Chapter 2-Terra

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I walked up the top steps towards my uncle's apartment, dragging my backpack behind me. All of my energy was drained after having to make up all my final exams this morning. Why did I have to get sick when we were having final exams? It's official, my life sucks. To top off this extremely bad day, I had to wake up super early on a Sunday morning. SUNDAY MORNING! Can you believe it? And I had a pile of homework as well as my shifts at the café ahead of me.

I had just reached the front door when I got an alert on my phone. I lifted it up and smiled slightly when I saw who it was. Ashlynn was like a big sister, and an amazing one at that.

Ashlynn: Hey Ter! Wanna come over for dinner tonight?

Ashlynn: I've prepared a new recipe and I wanted to see your input on it before I have Eddie and Theo try it out

Ashlynn: I think it would be good to add some new additions to the menu for the holidays

Ashlynn: Also, think of it as a girls night, just you and I. I know we've both been super busy and I feel like we haven't talked in like ages

I unconsciously smiled as I read Ashlynn's texts.

Me: I'll be there! I can't wait to try out your recipes! Knowing you, it's going to be spectacular!

Ashlynn: Aww! Thank you! You know the address right?

Ashlynn: Try to come over at around 6:15

Me: Ofc! I'll be there! Should I bring anything?

Ashlynn: Well I was thinking we could have a sleepover if you want. It is a Sunday night and we do have school tomorrow so it's your decision

Ashlynn: I have afternoon classes tomorrow so don't worry about me

Me: I'll sleep over at your place. Break starts in a couple of days and I've already completed finals so we won't be doing anything worthwhile in school anyway

Ashlynn: Okay :) Be prepared for the best sleepover you've ever had in your life!

Ashlynn: Love you <3

I smiled at the last message. What did I tell you? She's like the big sister I've always wished for. Plus, it felt nice to feel wanted by someone, when even my own parents can't seem to find the time to pay attention to me.

I tucked my phone in my pocket and stopped in front of a sage green door. I traced my fingers over the rusty gold locker momentarily before twisting the knob and peeking my head through the door.

"Amor!" An Italian accented voice filled the air and I sighed. Oh yay. He heard me come in.

I heaved my backpack through the door and dropped it on a nearby sofa.

"Salve Uncle Theo!" I changed the tone of my voice to seem happy as I replied.

He walked out of the kitchen clad in an apron and chef's hat, the smell of delicious food billowing behind him.

"Do not lie to me Terra," he frowned. "What happened?"

"I'm just tired," I smiled and tried to sneak around him, failing as he put out his arm to stop me from leaving the kitchen.

"No food until you tell me what's wrong."

"I told you I'm tired" I signed and looked around the apartment. "Where is Uncle Eddie?"

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒘 𝑪𝒖𝒑-  𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙩 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠Where stories live. Discover now