Chapter 2/Shinsou

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I walk into the lunch room begrudgingly. I'm not very happy at the fact that I woke up late this morning with cwt ears and a tail. But, thankfully the back pain and headache from last night were gone.

Once I was in the lunch room I saw a croud of people in one specific area. Then, I heard Monama yell something along the lines of 'get your mutt under controll blah blah blah before he kills someone blah blah blah.' I walked over there only for people to immediately make room for me as I came through, I geuss it was one of the perks of seemingly looking and "acting" like a villain. You never really had to make people move out of your way, you just had to look at them. Ofcourse this time they not only moved solely because of who it was that wanted through but also because they had been surprised by my ears and tail. I simply flushed red at the unwanted attention.

Once I reached the center of the commotion I saw Denki beig yanked away from Monama's limp body. The pink girl and the tape despenser were the ones yanking him forcefully away from Monama. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, Denki was 1-A's class cutie in my opinion and seeing him so furious was kinda hot. Though, all those thoughts were put to a stop once I noticed the ears and tail that he as well had on him. Though his were more canine than feline like mine.

My chuckle had caught his attention he stared directly at me and his face softened and he seemingly calmed down, the sudden change of emotions made me blush again and I looked away quickly.

Then I looked back up and said the sinplest two words ever which seemed to have made his eyes glow a bright and abnormal golden-yellow and my fore-arm got tingly in one area, it made me lift my shirt sleeve up and see a small golden electricity bolt glowing the same color as Denki's eyes.

Made a change to the chapter before you should go check it out. I made Denki the dom one in this story btw!!

A Shocking Turn of EventsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ