First This Redhead Leech and Now This Intruder

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The next day...
Marnie's POV...
I'm with Jay at his house. We were making out and laying down while Jay on top. My cell phone ring. Jacob groan while I was getting up. My stubborn boyfriend push me down to continue kissing me.

Jacob: "Ignore it." *kissing my neck* "Focus on me." *kissing me*
Marnie: *moan* "I can't baby, it might be important." *kissing him back*
Jacob: "Hmmm they can always call back. Please baby." *kissing my sweet spot*

The ringing stop. Jacob smirk while I rolling my eyes.

Jacob: *smirk* "Now where were we?" *lean in*

The phone rings again. Jacob growl while I take a look at my phone. It's my niece. I was confused. So I answer it.

Marnie: "Hello?"
Bella: "Hey Marnie... Is Jake there with you?"
Marnie: *moan quietly while Jacob kissing her neck* "Yeah it's his day off so we were busy."
Jacob mutter under his breathe, "Good girl..."

I look at him raise an brow. Jacob look away.

Bella: "Oh is there anyway that you two come over to check on a scent in my room."
Marnie: "Someone broke in... is your dad okay?"
Bella: "Yeah Charlie's fine; a vampire broke in my room."
Marnie: "Bells are you sure?"
Bella: *nod her head* "Edward said the scent is unrecognizable, I want the pack to help since the Cullens haven't hunted in awhile and look for Victoria."

I sigh as I look at my boyfriend getting ready to go my house. I'm grateful no one in my family got bitten by unknown vampires. Jacob nod his head yes for looking into that scent who creep in my niece's room. As Jacob grab his keys and take my hand, I answer to my niece.

Marnie: "Belle Jacob and I are on our way to the house; did they take anything?"
Bella: *furrow her eyebrows* "Now I'm thinking about it: I notice a sweater and a shirt missing from my room."
Marnie: "Don't worry I'm sure the pack can help anyway they can okay?"
Bella: "Yeah thanks Marnie. See you in a bit." *hang up*

Jacob and I are in his car driving to my house. Jacob grab my hand and kiss it.

Jacob: "Don't worry baby the pack and I will take care of this and the redheaded leech."
Marnie: *sigh* "I just wish there's no more damage in my family or for us you know."
Jacob: *kiss Marnie's head* "I know baby me too. Once all of this is over, you and I are not leaving my bedroom."
Marnie: *raise an brow* "You do know I have go to Paris and Galveston for two weeks each right?"
Jacob: *chuckles* "Baby not back to back though; we're not leaving the bed when you get back from Paris."

I roll my eyes laughing. I know my puppy is still mad the fact I have to leave him for two weeks.
We arrived at my house and got out of the car. 

Edward: "Check if you recognize the scent."
Marnie: "Charlie was okay when this happen?"
Bella: "Yeah he wasn't at home when the intruder was in my room."
Jacob: "They didn't get to Marnie's room right?"
Edward: "No your scent took over once they got close to Marleni's room."

Bella show Jacob the scent in her room.  I keep my distance from Edward since I want Jacob to focus on the scent and me being there won't help. Bella come outside with Jacob follow her. I walk toward my boo, Jay while he put his arm around my waist as I rest my head on my chest. Bella smile at us as she knows we are forever.

Jacob:  "Whoever it was left a strong scent behind. It won't be hard to miss when we cross it again. The pack and I will handle it from here."

I sigh because this is going a fight of male pride as I roll my eyes thinking about it.

Edward: "We don't need you to handle anything. Or anyone."

Really my niece said something else otherwise. Wow just he can't get anymore stupid.

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