Sick Joke

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From the first time Ms. Joke went to go visited the UA dorms to see Eir and Aizawa, she kept coming over constantly to keep Eir some company and to bug Aizawa, but one day Ms. Joke hasn't come to visit, at first Aizawa and Eri thought that she must be doing some pro Hero work, but throughout the whole week they did not hear anything from her, so Eri got a bit worried and asked Aizawa to see if he could contact someone that knows where and what happened to Ms. Joke, so Aizawa called the hero agency that she worked at and they said that she has gotten a cold recently, Aizawa then informed Eri that Ms. Joke it was all right, and said that she had a cold, but that still worried her, so Eri begged Aizawa to go over to Ms. Joke's apartment to nurse her back to health, Aizawa didn't really want to go but Eri just kept persisting on wanting to go help Ms. Joke get better, Aizawa then gave in to Eri's pleading and begin going over to Ms. Joke's apartment, but before they can even go, Aizawa wanted to stop by the store to buy some medicine for her, after that Aizawa and Eri went straight to Ms. Joke's apartment, once they finally arrived at her apartment they knocked on the door but there was no response, they knocked again but they were still no response, so Aizawa put his hand on the door now and turned it, surprisingly her door opened so Aizawa and Eri  stepped in to her apartment and took off his shoes, they then step through another door which was the living room and the kitchen, and once they enter they were greeted by three cats.


"Look Mr. Aizawa, kitties."

The cats then began to approach Eir and begin purring once they started walking around your legs, as the cats keep Eri busy Aizawa went to on knock on a door that might be Ms. Joke's bedroom, as soon as he knocks the door opens and his face with a very sick looking Ms. Joke.

~Ms. Joke~

"(Sniffling) E-Eraser?, Is that you?"


"Sadly yes."

~Ms. Joke~

"What are you doing?"


"Well Eri was worried about you, so I called your agency to see if you're all right, and they told me that you were sick, so Eir begged me to come over so I can nurse you back to health."

~Ms. Joke~

"Wait there's me back to hell?, But I can only mean, your going to take care of me all day just like a husband does for his sickly wife."


"Be quiet and go back to your bed, I'll be there in a short minute to check your temperature."

~Ms. Joke~

"All right dear, hehe."

Ms. Joke then returned to her bed and Aizawa please just right hand on his face and begin regretting stepping foot in her apartment, Aizawa then grabbed the bags he brought and put them on the kitchen counter, he then began to feel a small bowl full of water and grabbed a rag, after that he went into Ms. Joke's room and proceeded to take her temperature, after you took her temperature he noticed that it wasn't too serious.


"It doesn't look like you're cold is too serious but still you need to get better soon, so have you taken any medicine at all?"

~Ms. Joke~



"Okay, have you had anything to eat?

~Ms. Joke~



"(sign) Good thing I brought some medicine ahead of time, when I give you the medicine I want used to taking immediately and I want you to rest up as well, am I doing that I'm cooking something for you to eat, got it?"

~Ms. Joke~

"Yes dear."


"Don't call me that."

Aizawa then left the room to get some of the medicine and a glass of water for Ms. Joke, and while he's doing that he also checked on Eri, he saw her City on the couch playing with the cats, so he knew that the cats are keeping them a bit occupied well he tends to nurse Ms. Joke back to health, he returned to Ms. Joke's room left the medicine in water with her, he then returned and begin searching for things to make something to eat for her, shortly after you found the base ingredients to make some rice porridge, he proceeded to make the porridge and begin making a PB&J sandwich for Eir, he even filled up all three of the cat food bowls as well, after the rice bro just finally finished he put some in a big bowl and went back to Ms. Joke's room to give it to her.


"Here you go some rice porridge."

~Ms. Joke~

"Thank you dear."


"I told you stop calling me that."

Aizawa then left the room once again and sat on the couch with Eir, he was happy to see that she was having so much fun playing with the cats, but why he was looking at her one of the cats begin laying on Aizawa's lap, he began petting the cat on his lap, 3 hours later Eir has fallen asleep on the couch next to the cats and Aizawa went to go check up on Ms. Joke and saw that she was fast asleep, so he quickly enter the room took the empty bowl that was filled with rice porridge and proceeded to wash it in the sink, after all that was finally finished, Aizawa wrote a little letter for Ms. Joke, after that Aizawa proceeded to pick up Eir and begin to walk out of Ms. Joke's apartment and begin locking it with her key he then slipped the key through the mail slot and begin walking to the train station to head back to UA with Eir.

~To be continued~

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