ଘ𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙚𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪

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POV : Luminity is your hero name  ੧(❛o❛✿)ɞ

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POV : Luminity is your hero name  ੧(❛o❛✿)ɞ

A Month before the provisional license exam

"It seems like Luminity is growing another wing," a man in a white lab coat confirmed, he had his index finger and his thumb resting below his face horizontally. "Oh? is that so? that's great news" the sleep deprived man responded causing him to stop mid yawning, currently they are examining Luminity's physical health which includes body examination.

"Yes, based on her bone structure specifically on her lower back" the doctor continued while showing the x-ray result. "Though it won't be able to fly.." 

"Why's that?" Mera asked, slightly compassionate for the young girl who had lost a slice of her quirk at a young age.

"Because based on what we've collected of the Seraphim Angel quirk, the wings that are used to fly are the pair on the upper back-" the doctor hesitated before adding "-but hers are....unable to..since..." 


"Ahem...anyways the pair on her lower back are meant to increase the speed of her flying, while the pair on her head service as some sort of sensory," 

"Ah... I see," Mera responded as he shook himself awake.

"Well that's all I can say in terms of this quirk's wings,"

"However in terms of physical health she's completely fine, she's allowed to go back to her training room now," 

Luminity bowed her head as a 'thanks' she then hopped off the bed while Mera followed after. Both of them made their way into the hallway walking side by side.

"Say Luminity do you remember Hawks?" Mera asked, hoping to start a conversation. "...Hawks? I think so.." She answered nonchalantly, her unauthentic smile remains plastered on her face. Ever since her memories were drained away including her personality she wasn't the person she used to be, but she kept a calm and collected demeanour. 

She doesn't have a lot in mind, so she's not likely to be the one who starts conversations. The only time she'll speak is when she's asked a question or when she was demanded to only reply with a simple 'okay' She can't be asked a 'yes' or 'no' question due to her inability to make decisions for herself as for all her life she was only given orders to complete.

However besides all that, she is actually capable of giving orders herself. Only when it comes to certain situations she'll most likely speak her thoughts, though situations like that rarely occur so it's very rare for Mera to see her speak. During her training besides Hawks she wasn't allowed to play with the other kids as she was told to repeat either her ballet lessons or harp lessons during her breaks. Like what was mentioned before this is all due to the president focusing on her as she had high expectations from her, not wanting for her to get distracted.

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