she's gone

10 2 0

She lays in bed at night starting at the ceiling

The memories start playing in her mind

The anxiety builds

The voices start

Panic sets in

She feels like her heart beating a hundred miles per hour

Her head starts pounding

The tears begin flowing

All she wants is for it to stop

She sends a text to those closet to her telling them she loves them one last time

For that night she decided to take her life

She started with cuts and couldn't stop

Her arms where painted red

She began to swallow the pills

One after another

She took one last look at her phone

And told everyone good bey

She layed her head down and said so long and goodnight

She fell into her last and final sleep

The next morning her mom tries to shake her awake

She looks down at her arms and realizes her baby had died

She weeps over her body

Screaming to god why

Her best friend relizes what she's done and breaks down and cries

For she is gone and none of them know why

For they never knew what she hid

Or the battles she fought at night

For the world lost a soldier

But heaven gained an angel

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