Forget Forever

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"Jokes are a part of life; life ain't a part of jokes." ~Adam Brewman

"Are you sure it's a good idea?" I asked Hans as I sat in the back seat.

"Don't worry. Just relax and you'll be fine." Hans reassured me.

"Yeah, as long as you don't get drunk and make a fool of yourself." Flynn said as he and Hans laughed a bit.

"Where's the party anyway?" I asked him.

"You'll know when we'll get there." He responded.

Sure enough, I could hear music pumping out from a house. I looked out of the window and it was huge mansion. Seemed pretty old.

Eugene pulled the car in the driveway and we got out.

"So, we'll all meet back here at tomorrow morning, 7am. Got that?" Hans said as he locked the car.

"It's gonna be for the whole night?" I asked him, astonished.

"Looks like you haven't been to a party before. But just so you know, you're gonna love it." He patted my back as he walked inside.

Soon, Hans and Eugene left and I was alone so I walked inside.

It was pandemonium. Everything was a total mess. There was a swimming pool at the front too where couples were making out and you could see a girl doing something she would later regret. I walked inside and the music really got the best of me. It was so loud I could feel the ground shaking. The whole so-called dance floor was lit up. People were dancing and some were groaning. You couldn't understand what was happening or  like what to see. There were people making fools of themselves and there were even some girls who were stripping down. What kind of party was that?

I spotted Hans at the corner but he seemed busy. I made my way to the kitchen which had turned into a homemade bar. I ordered a round of whiskey and made a mental note to myself to not get wasted. After that, I just sat there staring at people, not sure what to do. Suddenly, that Elsa girl popped out of no where and sat next to me. She hadn't seemed to notice me and simply ordered a glass of wine while she laughed to herself.

"So you're one of those new kids, aren't you?" She said, a bit louder than usual or I wouldn't be able to hear her over the loud music. Her voice was nothing like I had expected. It was naughty and playful and she did have a flirty tone to it. She was also fond of twirling her hair quite often.

"Um.. Yeah. But you can call me Jack instead of 'New Kid'." I winked at her. It was a bold move for me as it was the first time but seeing the type of girl she was, it seemed normal

She laughed at the expression and drank the whole glass of wine.

"The way she does stuff, doesn't seem like a virgin to me." I muttered to myself, perhaps a bit too loudly because she spat out the wine and began laughing hysterically.

"Ha! Your sources aren't reliable ya know. I lost my virginity when I was 13!" Her face had no regrets. And this DID come as a blow to me.

"So, tell me, when did you lose it?" She asked. Her bangs were touching her forehead and I resisted the urge to blow them away.

"I'm waiting ya know." She said and took another sip of her glass.

"Um.. I'm.. Uh.. Still a virgin." I mumbled out. How her face expression changed within seconds, I'll never know. One moment, she looked like she was wasted, next moment, she burst out laughing.

"What? It's not funny." I said, slightly annoyed but she kept on laughing. She pointed at my hair and I saw it had punch all on it. Before I had time to register what was happening, a big dish full of chocolate pudding came crashing down on me. She laughed harder but stopped instantly too. How strange.

"You look tasty." She said and tasted the bit of chocolate on my collar.

"AWW SHIT! WE MISSED IT!" A couple of guys  came towards who seemed to be wearing identical clothes.

"Sorry dude, we were gonna target that guy but we missed. Something went wrong we guess." They apologized and immediately started devising another plan.

"Great, now I'm gonna have to get cleaned somehow. I'll be right back." I said and gave her a small wave of which she returned by a wink and a flirty wave. I wondered what happened to her previous boyfriend.

I went inside the bathroom, which surprisingly turned out to be sound proof and the sound was quietened.

I had just finished cleaning myself up and was about to leave when suddenly, Hans and Flynn bursted in through the door.

"The heck!? I heard someone had thrown chocolate pudding on you. So we decided to check out." Eugene said as Hans tried to hold in his laughter.

"You're lucky no one noticed it. Or it'd be the school's new gossip. "New Kid makes looks like a fool on the first day and gets into a fight." Yep, they'd exaggerate it this much." Flynn said, noticing the look on my face.

"Anyways, I've got a cool plan. Follow me." He said as he led me and Hans down the stairs. I couldn't see Elsa anymore. Everyone was all wasted and acting all stupid. This was getting ridiculous.

"Where exactly are we going?" I said as we walked out of the house.

"Just wait and see." Hans said with a cocky smirk on his face.

"Holy jeez. Seriously?" I said as we reached our destination. This was so not gonna end well.

Just His Life (Jelsa)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz