It's Time

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"Sometimes, it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways." ~Anonymous

"That'll be $67.35." The cashier said to me as I handed him the cash.

I picked up the stuff I'd bought and walked out of the small liquor store.

It was dark already and had been raining for the last 3 hours. I walked down the dark wet road. There was no one on the streets. It was all dead quite. I had my gray hoodie on. I had told Roderick, my servant, that I'll be back soon. It was gonna be his last day today and then he would leave.

After another 30 minutes of silent walking and deep thinking, I finally reached my small Tudor home. I placed the stuff on the table and went back into my room, locked the door and looked at my watch. It was 9 o' clock. I hadn't seen Roderick anywhere so I just took a quick shower, changed my clothes and layed on my bed. It was well past 2 Am when I next woke up. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I could feel the sweat forming on my back.

I turned on the lamp and took out a newspaper from under my bed. The headlines were covered with the report of a plane crash.

"Passenger Aircraft crashes north of the Red Sea."

"184 out of 246 Bodies found dead."

"Only two survived."

"Rescue operations ceased."

"Experts claim crash might just not be due to engine failure."

I sighed and threw the newspaper away. I had to get some rest. Tomorrow was a big day for me. I was gonna join High School tomorrow, after 6 years of being homeschooled, I was gonna join the place where dreams, hopes and innocence all go to hell.

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