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"now id like to introduce the captivating and attractive y/n. y/n please come out to the stage" jin announced while smiling towards the camera. he looked to the left and watched you walk towards him. you came out to the stage with a big smile on your face that showcased your pearly white teeth. "it's a pleasure to be here jin" you replied as you walked over to the couch in front of the camera. you took a seat and then looked at jin while you keeping smiling. "well hello y/n you look incredible, and the pleasure is all mine" jin assured with while turning his chair to face you. you turned towards him and then laughed. "y/n i'm gonna get straight into the questions that the viewers sent in. let's take a look at the first question" jin emphasized as he picked up a flash card off his desk.
"number 1. how long have you been dating seokjin?". there it goes, the question you knew would soon come. you at least hoped they weren't gonna confront you with a such a question so quickly, but you were wrong. you're a black model in korea, so when the media spotted you walking to your hotel with south koreas most popular talk show host, you knew you would be damned. you've received so many emails and messages begging you to come on shows or speak on radio stations since. so jin decided to bring you on his show so you could both address the rumors as a unit. so when the flash card asked that question, the camera man zoomed in on your face and then you turned to the camera. "seokjin and i are not dating" you announced as you looked at the camera fiercely.
"we are not dating, i'm glad that you came and could clear up such an obvious misconception, i spotted y/n walking home that day and i ran to get a chance to talk to her, she invited me to her hotel for some tea and i agreed. that is all" jin spoke with conviction. lies and more lies. you and jin were more than dating. you were both engaged, you planned to keep the relationship a secret since you knew how much bad publicity bothered him. you could only imagine the absurd and problematic things people would say if he'd found out he dating a black woman. which is why you didn't like south korea and jin agreed that this month is going to be final couple episodes of his show and then he will move to berlin with you.
"number 2, y/n how do feel being an african american model in south korea?" jin looked at you as he waited for your response. "well it hasn't been easy, the people here aren't very opened minded most times. it's hard to feel accepted here, but for the most part i've enjoyed the food and some people have been really kind and respectful to me. i try to focus on the good parts mainly" you said with a sad smile. the producer played the "awwww" sound in the background as you stated your opinion. "i'm sorry to hear that y/n. south korea is a very technologically advanced country but when it comes to discrimination and equality, we fall far behind many countries in the world. i hope this episode can show the viewers that it is ignorant and disturbing to treat another poorly because of some differences." jin spoke while looking directly at the camera. the camera man zoomed in on him and let him say his piece.
"number 3, where did you buy that dress? and can you stand up and give us a view of it" jin said while laughing to lighten the mood. you smiled and stood up. "this dress is from a luxury brand i'm partnered with called 'love is ours' if you go on their website and type in 'y/n is a lover' you will find the dress". you walked over to camera and gave a 180 spin. jin clapped as he stared at you. his eyes wouldn't leave your curves and you knew what look that was. he wants to have sex.