"did you finish putting in the hair dye y/n?" taehyung asked as he knocked on the bathroom door anticipating your new look. he was beyond excited to see the new hair color on you that he suggested. he even had joker sit on the bed waiting with him for you to show them the hair. "tae youve asked her that for the fifth time in the last six minutes, come sit on my lap and relax aye" joker grunted as he watched taehyung knock on the bathroom door. "i'm not done yet tae, i'm styling my hair just give me a second" you shouted in response as you grabbed your hot comb and continued to flatten your newly dyed hair. tae sighed and walked over to joker and took a comfortable seat on his lap. joker rubbed taehyungs thigh. you finally finished styling your hair and stared at yourself in the mirror feeling successful. since you, tae, and joker have started this relationship together you guys practically do everything together. and now tae has finally gotten you to dye your hair green to match his and jokers. he said it would be "cute for all of us- plus now everyone will know we are permanently together" he stated with a smile. at first you were reluctant to go with the new hair color since you were only doing it to match tae and jokers. but slowly tae coerced you to do it and that brings you here.