you woke up suddenly to the sound of your phone ringing loudly. you slowly opened your eyes, turning over on your side slowly as you squinted yourself eyes. they felt sore and watery from the light that shined from your bright phone screen. with half closed eyes you tried to read the screen. 'mine' was calling. making you groan as you looked at the time being displayed on the screen. it's 12:27am. and your boyfriend jin was calling. like usual. you reached over and picked up the phone call. holding your phone in hand as you laid on your back. pulling the covers up to your neck again, as you shut your eyes. "morning baby" jin chirped over the phone. you grunted in response like usual. "it's midnight and you sound so happy. when are you gonna stop doing the night shift". you muttered while trying to get comfortable in your bed again. but once you wake up. it's like you can never go back. jin laughed at your groggy voice. he was always so cheerful at night time. he sleeps all day and then at night he comes alive. he works at night and runs all his errands after. he even comes to your house at night. then he sleeps the whole day until the sun is starting to go down. completely fucking up your sleep schedule. when he's sleeping during the day, you'd have to physically go to his house and wake him to even get his attention. which leaves your quality time with him only occurring at night. then he goes home everyday at around 7 am to sleep until 8pm again.
"not anytime soon baby. you already know that i've gotten accustomed to being awake at night. i don't have time to be switching up shit. how about you change to the night shift like me. we can even work together, remember how i told you about that job opening at my job as a secretary" jin ranted. telling you the same old crap like usual. he always tries to coerce you into doing the night shift like him. especially because he knows your current job that doesn't pay that well and the job opening thats at his job is better, more established, and pays way more. but you haven't become comfortable with living like him. you'd have to sleep all day. then start work at 7pm and then finish your shift at 1am. Things would practically still work the same way. but it would be night. you'd have to buy your groceries at night like him and shop at 24 hour places to even get supplies since the rest of the shops would still be closing at night time. "i'm thinking about it" you replied calmly while trying to avoid falling back to sleep. deciding to pull the blankets off of your body but continue to lay down. hoping the cool air would make you less likely to fall asleep. "anyways you want to come over?" he asked. the only quality time you get with him is when it's night time per usual. and jin is a really great guy. you'd hate to let him go over something like this. people always say that there's more fish in the sea. but there's no one else like jin. he's handsome, kind, funny, responsible, the sex is great, and he can cook for you all the time. plus he has a good job. you'll never be able to find someone like him again if you let him go. plus he's loyal. so the only way this will end is if you break up with him. "come pick me up in 5". you whispered as you sat up in bed. your bed squeaked as you got up making you sigh. "coming y/n. see you in a few baby" he sang happily as he hung up.
you stood up from your bed and walked over to your large mirror. taking the time to look at yourself. it's late at night. so you didn't feel nor see the need to change into something nice. plus you didn't look terrible or anything. yea your bonnet was tilted to the side and your shirt was wrinkled a bit. but your wearing a dark blue tight crop top and grey tight shorts. you didn't really look bad. if anything you looked kind of sexy with the wayyy the tight crop top made your breasts look bigger and more prominent. and then tight shorts made your thighs look thicker. so you settled for what you had on. figuring you'll probably end up going to his house and falling back asleep anyways. a few minutes passed as you grabbed your phone and keys as you went down the stairs. putting your slides on as you waited for jin to pull up. soon enough his headlights shined through the window alerting you of his presence, he honked his horn twice. you knew the neighbors were gone hate you for letting him always do that but you just wanted some quality time with your man at this point.
you opened the front door then stepping outside and closed it behind you as you headed towards his car. opening the door and getting into the black and tinted sports car. "there's goes my favorite night person" jin said happily as he smiled at you. you turned to him with a tired look in your eyes as you stared outside the windows. it's pitch black outside. the only lights is coming from street lights and the shining moon. "see what i did there?" he asked with a small laugh as he sped off. making you jolt back in your seat from the speed a little. "how do you always remain so energetic at night?" you asked in a tired tone as you laid your head against his window. trying to refrain from closing your eyes. "it's practically the same as waking up in the morning- just that it's night. i do all the same things people do in the day" jin explained while shrugging lightly. speeding down the street as he made a sharp left turn. heading towards his house. he lived about 26 minutes away so you knew this would take some time. you sighed at the realization. you really wanted to lay in his bed and go to sleep. but at the same time you don't. because if you sleep, then in the morning you'll have to work. and he will be sleeping all day. meaning you can't talk to him. then the cycle repeats. "you seem really tired y/n. you wanna take a nap baby?". he asked as you looked at you. you only hummed in response. trying to fight the urge to sleep. but eventually being unsuccessful.
jin eventually pulled into his driveway. opening the car door and getting out. he walked around the car as he opened the door on the passenger side. looking at your sleeping figure. he sighed as he looked down at you. you slowly stirred as felt the cool air wash over you from jin opening the car door. you opened your eyes with ease since there was no light in your face. just darkness. signifying it's still night. you looked around as jin stood in front of you. one of his neighbors were out watering their plants. at night. it was strange to see but you assumed they probably work the night shift as well. you got out the car as jin walked with you towards the front door. jin unlocked it as he let you in first. gettin in behind you. you looked around his place. it's the usual. pictures of you and him on the shelves. dark interior. black, grey, and a little bit of orange to spice it up. jin took off his shoes as he followed behind you. heading towards the living room. he sat down on the couch. you followed his lead and sat right next to him. snuggling up against him for warmth since the couch was still a little cold since no ones been sitting on it. jin wrapped his arm around your shoulders as you wrapped yourself under his arm. "must be hard having a boyfriend that only come out in the night time huh?". jin asked calmly as he sighed. this must be taking a toll on you. but he doesn't know how to fix it. he's been working like this for years now. he can't just completely switch his schedule. and you were accustomed to the day and night because of this relationship. you spend time in the day and at night so you can see him. you'd be the only one out of you both who could make a defining vote. you crawled as you sat on his lap instead. placing your warm hands on either side of his face. "it won't be anymore- i'm gonna be nocturnal like you" you responded to his question in a calm tone. kissing him deeply as he kissed you back. pushing you into the couch a bit as he kissed you passionately.
𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑢 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑗𝑖𝑛;)
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