Chapter 2

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1) Hi! This story is being written because my friend and I are doing a dnf fanfic writing competition. their acct: quackt1tty Don't take this book too serious i'm kinda just messing around.

2) If you didn't read the first authors note I explained how the character Layla is supposed to be like a childhood friend of dream.

3) Underline bits means authors note

4) good luck have fun :)
Today is about three days before George is supposed to be visiting the boys. To say he was nervous was an understatement. This would be the first time that he will be meeting some of his closest online friends. When Sapnap and Dream first met up they made it seem like meeting was no big deal. While George has put on this front that it's no big deal and he doesn't care, on the inside he is freaking out. To calm his nerves he decides to go on a walk.

When George goes on walks it makes him feel like he is in a different world. He often finds himself daydreaming of what is to come in the future. It doesn't always happen exactly as he thinks it will but sometimes he is spot on. As he walks down his street he imagines walking through the airport on his way to meet his friends.  He turns down the street now thinking about the long plane ride. Planning out exactly how he thinks the plane will look and what the people around him will look like.  He cuts though a field that he knows leads to a road where there are barely any people. As he walks through the field he starts to imagine the landing. Of course his mind immediately imagines the worse possible outcomes which makes him stop in his tracks. He looks around the big field taking in the scenery. There is tons of flowers that seem to be yellowy green. He walks while looking down going out of his way to kick dandelions to pass time. As much as he is excited to go see his friends he can't help but think it's a bad idea. what if they don't like him irl? what if they think he's ugly and make fun of him? That's really not the type of people his friends are but people are different online than they are in person.

George is on his way back from his walk, he starts to think about his friendships. He feels like he has known these people all his life.  Sapnap is the type of person to fight for you no matter what and always be there for you. He thinks about how close him and dream have gotten. They've been friends for years and he couldn't imagine his life without him. As much as George try's to suppress the feeling him and Dream have an odd connection. As much as most of their online relationship is flirting and making jokes. Offline they have a connection that's hard to explain. They just get each other. They're so truthful with each other and know how to make the other laugh and smile. It's like they're soulmates. platonically of course. Honestly it feels like all of them were meant to meet and be friends. Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, Bad, Dream, all of our personalities just fit so well it's like we were meant to make people happy together.

George is about to open the door to his house but he feels his phone in his pocket start to vibrate. He pulls it out to see it was a call from dream. He quickly unlocks the door to his house , opening it slowly to make sure his dog isn't out and won't try to bolt out. As he closes the door he answers the phone. " Hello?" George Answers into the phone while taking off his shoes. He picks up his shoes and walks towards the stairs. " Dream?" George asks confused by the silence. " GEoRgE" Dream yells into his mic trying to scare George. This scares George and he almost falls down the stairs. " OH MY GOD DONT DO THAT" George yells through his phone. Dream starts doing his wheeze laugh. George runs up the stairs and closes the door to his room so he doesn't disturb the others in his house. " DREAM I ALMOST FELL DOWN THE FUKING STAIRS" George yells over Dreams laugh. All George heard as a response was Dreams stupid wheeze laugh. " Oh my god" George says trying to catch his breathe. " hey George how are you" Dream says sounding like he wasn't laughing at all. " Oh so you're just gonna pretend that didn't happen" George responds while taking off his coat and sitting in his chair. Dram giggles a little " So what's up?". " well i just got back from a long walk " George responds while opening up twitter and discord on his computer. " A walk? Is something wrong?" Dream asks. Every time George says he goes on a walk it worries Dream. During a really dark time for George he would constantly go on walks to 'clear his mind' but some of his 'walks' would turn in to hour long cry sessions in random fields. It always scared Dream whenever George would call, lost in some random field while crying. He and George promised they wouldn't talk about that time but hearing that he's going on long walks again kinda scared him. " I'm fine Dream i was just a little nervous about meeting up with everyone. It's fine i'm safe" George says while rolling his eyes. " why? what're you nervous about? it's just us." Dream questions. " Yeah It's no big deal i'm just worried about the plane ride and meeting everyone and stuff"George responds while reaching for something to hold. " Oh... well Just remember that we love you and everything will be completely fine. If you really don't want to come I don't wanna make you feel like you have to." Dream says a little worried about his friend. George gets butterflies in his stomach when Dream says the word 'love'. This keeps happening to him and he doesn't know if it's normal for that to happen with friends or if it's just from not hearing it very much. " No, No it's okay. I'm going to come visit you all. We've been talking about doing this forever so I'm doing It." George responds back hugging his pillow.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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