Stuck In The Middle With You

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The rest of our trip was amazing. The sights we saw, the memories we made, and the time we spent together. A lot of the things we did were group activities with the whole team. We all enjoyed ourselves. Tanaka and Nishinoya kept a certain little secret from the rest of the team, however they did tease the two of us a lot when we were all out of earshot. It was a Friday, and we had just finished up practice for the afternoon. Hinata and I got put on cleaning duty. "Hey, Shoyo, um... do you wanna come over after we finish up here?" He looked up at me and nodded. "Lemme text my mom first," he said, pulling his phone out. He stared at it for a moment before turning to me, grinning. "She said I could spend the night if it was okay with you guys," he said, holding his phone up to me excitedly. I nodded, not bothering to read the messages, and we continued cleaning. We finished within the next ten minutes, and we set off to my house.

"...crap." I looked down at Hinata, prompting him to explain. "I hate living on a mountain for this exact reason. I don't have any stuff with me, but I don't want us to have to go all the way there and back." His face was slightly scrunched in frustration. "Well," I started, "I have stuff you could borrow... probably," I turned to face slightly away from him. "Oh and we could probably stop by a convenience store on the way so you can get a toothbrush," I said. When I looked back down at him, we was grinning excitedly. "That sounds perfect! You're so smart, I never would've even thought of that!" Why was this guy so cute? And how did he manage the get even more so every day? Whatever, we were almost to the Sakanoshita Market anyway, so why think about that? We walked in, greeted Coach Ukai (who, for a moment, looked a little confused as to why we had come here together), and started strolling the small shop to find Hinata something for the night. We eventually found a small travel toothbrush (which Hinata freaked out over... something about how cute it was? I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. His grin had me captivated). When I went to the counter to go buy it, Hinata told me to wait outside for him once I was done. I did as he said, and when he walked out of the store, I pointed to the bag in his hand. "What's that?" He smiled and pressed a finger to his lips in a shushing gesture. "It's a surprise, Tobio!"

He walked–or, rather, skipped–ahead of me as if he had a clue where he was going. I smiled at him and let him keep going ahead. Eventually he stopped and turned back to me. "How much farther is your house?" he asked. I closed the distance between us, took his hand in mine, and continued walking towards my home. "It's right up here." I walked ahead of him, still holding his hand in my own, the rest of the way to my house.  We walked in, and I led him to the kitchen to set down what we bought. From there, I gave him a tour of my house. I led him through each room – with the exception of the storage room – until we made it back to the kitchen. "So, what do you wanna do, Shoyo?" He looked as if he was deep in thought for a moment, before gasping. He quickly turned around to the counter and grabbed the bag that contained whatever it was he bought in the store. "Here! I almost forgot," he laughed, "I saw it while we were looking for the toothbrush and I thought you would love it!" He held out the bag and I took it from him. I looked up at him questioningly, he nodded, and I opened the bag. When I saw what was inside, I couldn't help but start grinning.

Hinata had managed to find a candle and lighters in there. An apple cinnamon scented candle, at that. The lighters came in a small pack of three, and they were music themed. I remembered the music shop we had gone to together in Tokyo and my small grin quickly spread into a full smile. "Shoyo..." The amount of thought he had put into a simple gift was just... incredible. I pulled him into a tight embrace. "Thank you." I felt his arms wrap around my torso, and I tightened my grip on him. We stood like that for a moment before I pulled away, just enough to reach a hand up to his face. I caressed his cheek, tilted his chin up, and pressed my lips to his.

"So, what do you want to do now?" I asked, smiling at him.


"What movies do you have?" I asked. He took my hand and led me into his living room and over to the TV stand. He opened up a cabinet and showed me all the movies he had. "How about you look for one, Tobio. Let's watch your favorite one! I'll be right back." He nodded, and I got up from the floor, walked into the hallway and went to where he had told me the bathroom was during the tour. Wait... Which room was it again? I opened the door to my right and saw a grand piano. It was all black, and covered with dust. It must not have even been looked at in a long time. I looked around the rest of the room and noticed stacks of sheet music folder scattered about, also covered in dust, as well as a small violin standing against a wall. In front of it was a music stand with sheet music on it. There were boxes in the corners of the room, as well. I started to walk towards the piano when I heard a voice behind me. "What are you doing?" he didn't sound mad, more like pained, as if there were memories in here that he didn't want to recall. I stopped and turned around towards him. "I'm sorry, I went into the wrong room... I was trying to find the bathroom but couldn't remember which one it was... I'm sorry Kag- Tobio." He sighed, and told me it was alright. I apologized once more as I walked past him, out of the room and into the bathroom.

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