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"To appeal to them is to appeal to me "
Thats a quote I  thought of right now . Is the quote good ? I'm cant answer that . I wrote it yet I dont know how it sounds to me . When we sit down to do let our minds flow and create something beautiful.  Isn't it us who should approve of it ? Yet the first insticits is to get that one person or group to see it . To censor it . To give their opinions on . Everything we do that makes us  drift from reality is art. Art is something that's so pure and diverse that no two people can appreciate the same piece of art . They don't have the same understanding of life to have the same taste . Even after knowing this we crave to be validated . Like its not our art , like it's not our life . The thing we dont get is that we aren't the characters in a story written by those around, we are the authors of our own and too many cooks spoil the broil and too many validations make the art corrupted and impure . Because art is what appeals to the eyes of the creator. Which lets her wander off in the world of her own . Away from the tensions and the worries.  It doesn't need a validation it needs open mindness and acceptance . So the next time you do something that makes you feel ecstatic, say it's a masterpiece and I'm the proud artist .

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