Chapter 6

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"Do I have to?" Keizo asked as he stepped out of his room. Erratum just contacted a nearby school asking them to take his kids. "Yes Keizo. I have to get a job and the three of you need education."

"But I already know what I need to know." Keizo said. Arro stepped out of their room. "If A= 50 and B= 35 what is A x B=?" he asked. Keizo stared at his sibling opened mouthed. "W-What? How is A supposed to equal 50 it's a letter."

"Your hopeless." Arro said before they turned to Error. "I'm ready. Lyrica is taking forever in the bathroom though." Erratum let out a sigh before he went to the bathroom door and knocked. "Lyrica let's go." he said. "No!" he let out a sigh before he opened the door and found Lyrica hugging her knees while sitting on top of the toilet. Her hair  had a comb tangled in it as she tried to tug it out. Error chuckled a little before he gently took her hand and got to work on the comb. "First of all your hair is too thick for a comb." he said. "I got this for the other two."

"S-Sorry." Lyrica whimpered. "It's fine." Erratum replied as he pulled it out with skillful fingers. He than grabbed the hair brush and started brushing her hair. Her hair wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Guess conditioner really does work? he shook the thought away as he finished up. "Now are you ready to go to school?" he asked. Lyrica nodded as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Daddy?" he froze. Lyrica never called him that..."What is it?"

"What if the other kids don't like me?" she asked. "They will. Your a nice kid." she nodded and hugged him, "Thanks Daddy."

"Lyrica hurry the fuck up the bus is here." Error groaned inwardly. "Keizo what did I say about cursing." too late all three were out the door. He swears Keizo is going to be the death of him with that bad attitude and murderous tendencies. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to send him to school?

*Keizo pov*

"Who are they?" one kid said. "New students....HEY GREY KID CUT THOSE BANGS OF YOURS YOU LOOK STUPID!" Keizo felt his hands ball into fists. Lyrica and Arro clearly ignored them and went to some seats but Keizo did a cut throat motion at that kid for insulting his sibling. The kid went silent and looked away from Keizo clearly scared. Good. He sat down next to his little sister and waited for the bus to pull up at the school.

The ride to the school was loud and annoying. Lyrica was covering her ears, Arro was ignoring the noise, but Keizo was ready to snap at everyone. The bus finally made its stop at the school as everyone filed out. The trio was the last off the bus. "What a waste of time." Keizo muttered crossing his arms as they went inside the other two going to their respective lockers while Keizo walked passed the brutes that were walking around, beating each other up, and all that. "Fucking circus..." he muttered as he went to his respective locker and put his stuff inside when his locker was slammed shut by an unfamiliar hand. A large kid glared at him. "Well, Well, Well...fresh meat."

"Well, Well, Well...a Beta male." Keizo replied giving the large kid a deadpan stare. "Why you little-" The bell rang before the brute could finish. "Your lucky bastard but when your alone I will kick your ass."

"I think I'll be the one kicking your ass." Keizo said crossing his arms while the large kid lumbered off. Keizo went to his class and went through a rather boring experience. The teacher was a woman with brown hair and blue eyes. She was pretty but he knew better than to have a crush on her. "Oh you must be Keizo." she said cheerfully. "My name is Lucy and I'll be your teacher." he nodded. "Okay." he said. As nice as the teacher was the subject was boring until it went to art. They could draw whatever they wanted...You can guess what Keizo drew.


"You must be Arro." Arro nodded as the man looked at the other students, "Class this is Arro he's-"
"They..." Arro interrupted.

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