streamer girl

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song: "Can't Get You Out Of My Head" -Kylie Minogue

"bye, y/n."

you lay in bed, with a grin on your face. memories and voices from earlier overlapping, making you smile.
everything was going so well. you finally had a job, you had a new friend, and you actually looked forward to each day.

the only thing was, what else did you do? karl only needed a video edited every couple weeks or so, which left you with a lot of free time. while college took up a lot of that, you still often found yourself staring at the ceiling, bored out of your mind.

as you lay on your bed, smiling about earlier and thinking about what you could do to pass the time, an idea struck.
maybe... you could play minecraft?

despite being a massive mcyt fan, you were ashamed to say you had never actually PLAYED the game. you were a disappointment to the fandom.

so why not? you had time, it was only $20, and hey, might as well learn a little about what your editing.
you got up, and walked over to your pc. as you typed in the password, your homescreen unlocked and twitter popped up.

karl :)
streamin tomorrow! very chill, just gonna hang w/ chat. see you soon!

streaming. it sounded like fun, and it couldn't be THAT hard, right?

30 minutes later you found yourself incredibly nervous, staring at your monitor.

gonna stream tonight! first one ever, i'm gonna be playing minecraft for the first time. tune in at

ok, what the actual fuck were you thinking? you didn't know how to do this. but it was too late, the tweet already had over 5k likes and people were joining your offline chat.

you got streamlabs set up, and hovered over the "go live" button. what if everyone was mean? what if you embarrassed yourself? what if- no, you didn't have time to overthink. it was now or never.

you took a deep breath, and clicked your mouse.

334 words

haha its been like 102992 years oops!! sorry ehe. basically, i had no motivation and was gonna discontinue the story bc of that, as well as personal reasons. but when i came on to do that i just got hit with like this wave of rlly wanting to write, so HERE I AM. there won't be an upload schedule, and they will probably be far apart. ik this was a short chapter, aha but needed to get it out there. in the meantime i will be working on some song inspired t, the first one will be out right after i publish this. again, sorry for leaving you hangin, and enjoy.

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