《♡》Code of the Does《♡》

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1) Does are forbidden from taking a mate, buck or doe, when and after they have joined DoeClan.

2) Does are forbidden from mating, buck or doe, when and after they have joined DoeClan.

3) Does are forbidden from carrying fawns when and after they have joined DoeClan.

4) Does may have friends, bucks or does, outside of the Clan. However, they are expected to remain loyal to DoeClan first and foremost.

5) Bucks are not allowed to join the Clan. If need be, does may chase them away.

6) Does are cautioned against hunting or trespassing onto another cat's territory.

7) Warriors & apprentices must feed elders, caretakers, & fawns before themselves.

8) No doe may neglect a fawn who is in pain or danger, even if the fawn is a buck.

9) Does are all cautioned against killing another cat unless absolutely necessary.

10) A fawn must be at least six moons old before she can become an apprentice.

11) All apprentices must be approved of by Faith the Divinity before they can recieve their warrior name.

12) Newly made warriors will keep a silent vigil the night they have recieved their warrior name.

13) A warrior must have at least one apprentice and recruited at least two does into the Clan before being named deputy.

14) The deputy will become leader after the leader has died, unless a fellow doe challenges her.

15) After the death or retirement of the deputy, a new one must be appointed by moonhigh.

Punishments will occur if a code is broken.
If a doe is to break any of the first three rules, she will be permanently banished from DoeClan.

Warriors: The Lone Buck ||Book 1||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin