A Cordial Invitation to a Formal Gathering

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Padmé wanted to fight back, and she was already trying to reach for her blaster, when Grievous's foot came down hard on her hand.  The metal pressed down into her skin, with the potential to draw blood if she attempted to struggle. 

"I was only ordered to abduct the chancellor," the droid general's grip tightened ever so slightly as his eyes narrowed.  "And, I am well prepared to take care of any potential hinderances to that plan.  Should they make a nuisance of themself."

It looked as though Grievous was ready to go through with his threat regardless of what Padmé did or said next.  However, just before she opened her mouth with a retort that would have probably guaranteed her fate right then and there, Palpatine cut her off.

"Perhaps it would be better for both of us, my dear, if you chose to heed the general's words."

Padmé couldn't fight the frustrated glare that crossed her face, though Palpatine sent back his own stern look.  The warning was seemingly sensical, but the true meaning of his words rang out loud and clear in Padmé's mind.

"Do what I say, or I am going to let him kill you."

"Nevertheless," Palpatine turned his attention back to Grievous, "the Republic will not bow down to such brutish acts of terrorism-"

"You had better take your own advice, Chancellor!"  Grievous snarled as he unclipped one of his lightsabers, and pointed the blue blade in Palpatine's face.  "Count Dooku only wants you alive, not whole."

It was beyond obvious to Padmé by now that this whole thing was a set up, orchestrated by the hidden Sith Lord himself.  Count Dooku was surely in on it, but it was clear to Padmé that Grievous was not exactly on the same page as his two leaders.  After all, why put on such a show of power for someone he was only pretending to kidnap?  It was certainly possible that the general was just as much in the dark as the rest of the galaxy when it came to Palpatine's true identity.  Although, it was probably not the best time to dwell on the nuances of the deranged lunatic holding her hostage.  Especially if Palpatine didn't have total control over his monster. 

Padmé felt the metal dig further into her wrist as her arm was lifted off the ground.  She managed to right herself quickly to compensate, however, Grievous was faster.  Immediately, he bound her hands behind her with his unbreakable grip, before producing a pair of binders.  Padmé knew better than to struggle at this point, and watched in mild satisfaction as Palpatine was given similar treatment by the general.  He did not look particularly worried in her opinion, though a large amount of annoyance was emanating strongly from the old man.  Still, the moment did not last, as both politicians were being shoved towards the broken window.  A gust of wind blew through the office, highlighting just how far up they all were, but Padmé refused to let herself stumble.  She highly doubted anyone in the room would make a move to save her.  Well, Threepio might, but her poor droid was currently lying in a silent heap near the door.  Hopefully Anakin would be able to fix him soon.

"Try not to squirm in the air too much," Grievous ominously warned, before giving one last hard push. 

As terrifying as plummeting towards an unforeseen, and equally unforgiving, ground from one of the tallest buildings on the planet would be for most people...Padmé felt a sense of familiarity rush over her.  How many times had she fallen out of a ship at this point?  Geonosis came to mind, but then the memory of the crash on Endor during her time in the future seemed more dangerous.  Then again, that truly stems back to her near death experience on Rhodia, where her ship crash resulted in her time travel escapades in the first place.  Maybe she should just invest in a jet pack or something at this point?  However, the one thing always remains constant with every fall...she lands.  This time, in an escape speeder being piloted by a Separatist B1 Battle Droid.  A second droid was positioned in the passenger seat, aiming a blaster in Padmé's face.  Palpatine soon landed unceremoniously on his backside next to her, followed shortly by Grievous.  His landing caused the speeder to rock violently, and causing the battle droid piloting to panic as it struggled to maintain control. 

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