Clearing the Air

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Obi-Wan was received warmly by Padmé, while Anakin quietly hung back behind her. His eyes were all over the place, bouncing between Padmé, the spot where the lamp used to be, and, most obviously, not on Obi-Wan.  He followed them from the balcony and over to the living room.  They all took a seat.

"So," Obi-Wan leaned forward in his chair, and he tented his fingers.  "I'm going to wager a guess that there's something that you two want to tell me? Because, believe me when I say that is a safer bet than Anakin calling me here to do some actual council related work."

Padmé watched as Anakin gave Obi-Wan a sheepish smile.

"He knows me so well," her husband whispered, before clearing his throat. "There is actually something, Master."

Anakin tightened his grip on Padmé's hand.  Obi-Wan had yet to mention the obvious display of affection, but Padmé doubted that it was because he hadn't noticed.  There was no way he hadn't noticed.

"Might it have something to do with Padmé and yours friend-ship?" Obi-Wan gently prodded.

He definitely noticed.


As much as Padmé wanted to just take over the conversation at that point, she knew that Anakin had to be the one to tell him. Actually, tell him. Out loud. She was almost entirely sure that Obi-Wan had figured out the truth of their relationship, or at least that it extended way beyond just friendship, and he clearly wanted Anakin to admit to it. Unfortunately, Anakin didn't exactly seem very interested in revealing his greatest secret.

"Off topic, but I was thinking of installing some sort of a built in communicator into Threepio since I was already going to repair him anyway. That way I'd be able to be contacted during the next emergency. I swear, that droid always seems to find itself at the center of danger-"

"Anakin!" Both Padmé and Obi-Wan called out in unison.

"What?" He asked with a nervous grin, before dropping it immediately. "Alright, I know. It's just...this is really difficult for me."

Anakin ran his mechanical hand through his hair.  Padmé immediately began lightly rubbing her thumb over his real hand, hoping that the gesture was a gentle reminder that he wasn't alone in this.  Obi-Wan, for his part, had taken pity on his former student.  He made an effort to ease up some of the tension that had racked his body since he had first sat down.  He might hide his emotions like a proper Jedi, but it was obvious to Padmé that Obi-Wan was just as nervous about this conversation as the two of them.  He knew as well as they did that once the truth was out that everything would be changed permanently.  But, wasn't that what they had been striving for this entire time?  The ghost of future Obi-Wan never had this talk with them.  He was left to infer and beat around the bush, until it was far too late for everyone.  Padmé couldn't claim to want to change the future, and neither could Anakin, without having to first face the consequences of their past.  It might not be a good thing, but Padmé was sure that it was the right thing.

"Padmé and I are married."

Anakin's eyes were shut tight as he spoke, as to not see Obi-Wan's reaction.  Childish, but Padmé didn't blame him.  Especially not when she could clearly see the look that was forming on the older Jedi's face.

"There's more," Anakin continued...and then didn't stop.  "We've been in love, or well at least I've been in love with her, since the day we first met. I know you told me that having these feelings weren't bad, and as Jedi we should just ignore them, but I tried, Master!  I tried for years! But, I just couldn't get over them.  I couldn't let go of my attachment, my LOVE, for Padmé.  I know that makes me a bad Jedi, and so does all of the lying, and hiding, and probably a bunch of other things that I've done wrong up to this point.  I'd like to say that I'm going to work really hard on correcting myself, but I honestly don't think I'm going to get much better at not doing any of that.  It probably doesn't help that I'm also going to kill a lot of people in the future, in addition to all the people that I have already killed.  I even killed you, or rather my evil alternate future self did? I'm still kind of confused about how all that works, and Master Qui-Gon's ghost didn't do a very good job explaining, well, anything.  But, that doesn't change the fact that I'm very sorry for murdering you and-

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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