PROLOGUE: The essence

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I always had some doubts embedded in my head. I was, and still am curious about things around me, I am a human after all. And some of those doubts get clarified, and some don't. Life is nothing but a journey, a journey of questions and answers. Emotions are just some mere sign boards in this journey, they help us know the right directions and sometimes lead us to the wrong destination.

The life of every tree, fish, frog, animal, bird and human is itself an art, it maybe pleasing or maybe disturbing. It isn't the play of paints or the brushes, it is the result given by the painter. The painter here is not us, it is our own emotions, temptations and commitments. We are just the paint brush, controlled by our emotions.

This is my life, my art. It may not be important for anyone of you, but it is really important for me. My life isn't a fairytale, it is disturbing, guess I let my emotions lead me in the wrong way. My life has pain, tears, blood and heartbreaks in it. But it also has joy, love and smile.

Life is a mixture of colours. My art is interesting and holds some special technique, when I look at it. I try to rectify my art, will you rectify yours? Be careful with it, once you spoil your art, you can only cover it up, but you can never erase it.

I learnt new things throughout my life, one thing stands above all the others. Know my art in detail, it is going to be interesting, I promise.

Hope you liked the prologue

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