That Case

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That case? "What?" I asked, to reassure myself. "The mysterious murders", he repeated. But that was 2 years ago. My thoughts started trailing again.

September, 2018, the day wasn't a pleasant one, just like the weather. The morning was really cloudy, I was having my morning coffee, watching the news. The news reporter looked really good, I really want her to be my wife...

I sighed, just another 'sweet' remainder of my 'wife', I shifted again, my gaze to the screen. The news was about, "A murder, a mysterious and cold blooded one", the headline read.

This made me think, what is happening? a murder in a really busy city? Certainly weird. But, what if- "Sir?", huh? I recognized my surroundings. "I zoned out again, didn't I?" I asked a question, which I knew the answer for. "Yes, but, what do you mean by'again'?", He questioned back with an audible emphasis. "I often space out, these days", This is the result of overthinking, more like overworking I guess.

"So what do you say about this case?", Roqous resumed the about-to-die conversation. Now that I think about it,"quite interesting and mysterious". "I didn't ask for your your opinion, I asked for help", Roqous replied. "It's just my way of starting a case", I defended myself, making myself look foolish is not something I like doing.

"So, yes or no?" he cut to the main point. I replied with the only word I could,"yes", it's unbelievable that, I am going to handle, one of the biggest crimes in London, hell is about to begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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