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Avira felt afloat, souring in the air like she ruled the skies, or that was what she thought, as pain washed over her centering at the base of her skull. With her eyes closed and still drowsy from sleep, the only words her brain could formulate, slipped through her lips…

“Ow” She groaned.

“Wake up sleepy head. Its past noon” Meredith's voice rang out, causing her ears to ring in irritation, or maybe it was the effect of the fall.

“No.” She protested placing the cover over herself, as she made no attempt in picking herself off the floor.

A thud came from the other side of the bed followed by Nate cry of pain.

“You two are unbelievable" Meredith sighed walking into the room and straight to Avira as she though on what to do.

 Mornings were the worse for Avira, not that she necessarily hated them or anything, they just had a way of coming swiftly and that made her less of a morning person with everyday that went by. Nate on the other hand was just plain ‘o lazy.

Avira felt the cover being pulled off of her and unconsciously gasp the hem to tug it back in place.

“Five more minutes mom.” She resisted, her voice coming out whinny.

Unfortunately, her limbs were still too sleepy to win a tug of war as Meredith pulled the cover off from her. She didn’t bother to move or unclamp her eyes as she folded in on herself to substitute for no covers.

Meredith sighed giving up. She was going to make it a surprise but with the way it’s going, they’d just pass the whole day in bed or rather the floor.

abuela is making pancakes” Meredith informed stopping at the door frame, deciding to spoil the surprise.

Her words caught them faster than a bullet as they both jumped up in surprise.

They made eye contact then back at Meredith who stood with amusement gleaming in her eyes.

“Mom you better not be messing with us.” Nate warned.

Meredith shrugged not giving any other thing away. If they wanted to find out more, they'll have to get their ass out of the room.

“abuela esta aqui?!” Avira asked for confirmation,  excitement stretching a smile on her face as she spoke in their dialect.

“Sí. And guess what she’s making?” Meredith said emphasizing her words with a wink.

That got them darting out the door in a rush, as they ran passed her, each giving her a peck on the cheek, aiming for the stairs all the way yelling and hitting at each other like a bunch of ten year olds would.

“Careful calabazas  there’s more than enough for two” A laughing voice sounded seconds before they descended the stares and saw to whom it belonged too.

“abuela!” They both cried as they ran into her embrace.

“Oh, pájaro loco, eres tan alto ahora she exclaimed in wonder as she stared at Nate using that familiar loving grandma's voice as Nate hunched over picking her up and spinning her around like a bride.

THE CATALYST (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now