3 1 0

The crowed was infinite as all nightmare brought to life in all shapes and sizes, some beyond human imagination stood in all their glory.
Screams of souls in agony, far beyond the reach of sanity could be heard. To anyone else it would have been so hunting a sight, (who would fault them, the torments alone was enough to drive a sane man hauntingly mad) But down here, it was considered the symphony of existence, what they all craved and thirst for, that want that drives them to need and that need, that drives non to sleep.

Her presence effortlessly parted the sea of bodies as she strode forward purposefully, her poise quickly commanding attention as it brought Night to the already dark world. Looks of awe, respect, envy and most of all fear all directed solely at her, some dare look her in the eye but quickly averted as hers bore noxious, the bottom of Tartarus a playgroup to it's depth. One thing time had failed to erase about this scums, was their nature to challenge. Bravery or stupidity, she would say the latter fits them more and as vexing as it was, she would hand it to them, for they were relentless.

Upon reaching the castle, the massive doors unhindered her movements as she walked into the magnificent blend of red, black and gold décor, making her way straight for the throne room where she knew without a doubt, he would be dwindling in fury if the rumors she'd heard were anything but false. Unsurprisingly he stood six and a half feet tall, a great beauty one could not even begin to imagine. Dangling on one hand no doubt what appeared to be the finest of wine judging from its blood red hue and the scent of sweetness it gave off while the other played with a gold ring with the number 3 carved in black. He had his back to her standing over a hearth, like hell itself wasn't hot enough. She strode in, not bothering to make herself known.

"For millennials, I have been the uncertainty that plagued the human world, feeding off their sentiment, their will, their life and soul. I created nightmares and pestilence to sway and plant fear in their thoughts, kill and bring souls to my world..." He spoke in a hunting voice not turning to acknowledge her presence "...Lord of the underworld, prince of the world, Satan! they have termed me, all glory be to my brothers. A means to mock my sovereignty!" he snarled crumpling the ring like it was made of dry clay.

The anger on his beautiful face a sight to be marveled, it would breed fear and awe to any who behold them, any except for her of cause.

She was unaffected and bored of his antics as she walked her way over gliding down a soft couch in the forepart of the hearth. "Surely I did not come all this way so you could lecture me of the ways of the others and naivety of humans."

"Dianthe," He tsk his tongue "I'm sure you've heard of the mortals principle, patience is virtue. Do I stand correct?"

"One would think by now you would have realized, I lack the means of morality they so speak off, after all I am your daughter" She jested causing him to chuckle.

"I see isolation have yet to dispel you of your humor..." He smiled falsely, as he took a site opposite from hers. "How wonderful."

"And I see being amongst this worms are yet to grant you the fortitude to speak forthwith." She retorted, resting fully on the couch, as she awaited his next words.

He sighed as his golden eyes took her in, deciding to speak his thoughts.

"You've heard." He straightened himself, his words sounding more of a confirmation than a question.

"As have every being." She said with boredom, as her florescent orbs took him in knowingly.

"Zeus is refusing my request yet again!" He growled, reassembling the golden ring in his palms.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 01 ⏰

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