Chapter 7 Michaelmas Eve

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     The Doctor returned to the kitchen with brother Bernardo to prepare that evening's meal. The Doctor had forgotten how therapeutic chopping vegetables could be, but he quickly got into the rhythm. He chopped a basket full of onions as tears streamed down his face, a dozen carrots, and eight cloves of garlic. The doctor placed all the ingredients in the cauldron to let them stew with the beans he cleaned the night before and placed more firewood on the coals. "You said the angel changed position, brother Bernardo." The Doctor said as he stirred the coals. 

     Brother Bernardo added wood to the fire in the bread oven. "Yes, brother Luke, there is one other instance where the angels changed. When they first came out of the marble none had their hands up to their faces. Last Michaelmas day all three had their hands in front of their faces. I remember because that was the night brother Renaldo disappeared." brother Bernardo said as he added more wood to the oven. 

     "Was that the first time they changed position, or anyone disappeared?" The Doctor asked.  Brother Bernardo began flouring the work table and instructed the Doctor to retrieve the large clay bowls they had put the bread dough in to rise. 

     "Yes, that is the first time they moved until today, and that is the only time I have heard of anyone gone missing. We assumed brother Renaldo ran away back to his family home in Pisa or went off to see the world. He didn't seem suited for the church life, he was so young and impatient." Brother Bernardo said as he cut the dough into evenly sized loaves. 

     "You mentioned his family home in Pisa, do you remember his family name? The Doctor asked.

     "Who is the petegolo now? Yes, I remember his family name it is Capponi." brother Bernardo stated. The two kneaded the dough until it was almost firm and then covered the loaves with a lightly damp thin cloth. "Come, brother Luke, we must check the donations table." The pair cleaned their hands and walked outside to see if any donations were left for the church.   Some of the townspeople had made donations to the church already, Some brought salted fish, while others brought loaves of bread, small sacks of flour, dried fruit, nuts, or whatever they could spare for this holy day. The Doctor and brother Bernardo carried these items into the kitchen to be stored later, and then the two of them returned to the church for noon prayers. 

     There were not a lot of people in the church for noon prayers, mostly old women and the occasional pregnant women praying for a healthy child.  Most people were working and did not have time to attend daily prayers, especially during the harvest season. The Doctor knew the majority of the townsfolk would come to Michaelmas as it would be Sunday and attendance was the expected norm.   A few people came in to pray to the Angels and left flowers at the base of the statues but it was an otherwise uneventful afternoon until an old woman came in and asked to have confession. The other brothers had left to work in the fields so there was only brother Bernardo and the Doctor left in the chapel. Brother Bernardo said he would hear the women's confession if brother Luke would go attend to the fires in the kitchen. The Doctor gladly agreed and promptly did so. 

     When he returned after fifteen minutes brother Bernardo was not yet finished with the women's confession. The Doctor had a chance to admire the beautiful church. The Doctor noticed the pulpit and how it was elevated above the pews. He walked to the northern nave where the Angels were to observe them, they had not moved and the Doctor surmised they were still getting used to their humanoid forms. He thought about how they were formed in space and could not have known what a humanoid would look like, so they must have been trapped in the marble along time before humans settled the area, being they were so deep in the marble. The Angels must have been an energy form trapped by the gravity of the earth when the earth was still forming. Why did they look like angels? The Doctor pondered this for some time while he kept an eye on the Angels. His best guess was they must have or had a telepathic link and when the stonecutters were in their vicinity they were able to somehow read the emotions or thoughts of the stonecutters. Many people especially in the period of the dark ages believed they had a guardian angel, to watch over them and protect them. How clever the Doctor thought. Manifest as a being most people in this time period would not fear but would come willingly to worship. Like an alligator in a watering-hole, they need only wait for prey to come to them. 

     The Doctor wanted to see if the Angels were capable of movement and wanted to keep out of sight so he climbed the stairs into the pulpit just out of view of the Angels. They would have to come up the stairs to approach him at which time they would be in his sight.  He waited several minutes, but there was no movement from the Angels. He came down the stairs and when he reached the landing he heard movement. He was looking at the Angels so the Doctor knew it could not be them. He heard the sound of brother Bernardos voice counseling the young women who had come for confession. 

     "The devil tempts us with impure thoughts but having the thought is not a sin in itself. God judges us by our actions and what is in our hearts." Brother Bernardo said. 

     "Grazzi, Father." The young woman said as she headed for the main doors to leave. 

     "I am going to go work in the kitchen." Brother Bernardo said. 

     "I would like to stay in the chapel and pray and reflect on the Angels." The Doctor said.

     "You have come all this way for the Angels, not to see my kitchen, of course, you can stay in the chapel." Brother Bernardo said with a smile. He put his hand on the Doctors shoulder, and then he turned to go. 

     The Doctor walked to the nave where he could see the Angels and waited. When he heard the door close the Doctor climbed backwards slowly up the stairs to keep his eyes on the Angels. He sat in the pulpit checking on the Angels every few minutes.  A half-hour went by without movement from the Angels when the Doctor heard the front doors open and footsteps coming down the hall. He decided to stay out of sight to see what would transpire. The capellanus, the captain, and another soldier walked towards the nave with the Angels. The capellanus, called out, "Is anyone here?" When there was no reply they began talking in hushed tones but as they entered the nave the Doctor could hear them clearly. "Here is your satchel, you have the three letters I gave you?" The young soldier nodded. "It is very important that you do not break the seals on the letters but deliver them and the documents intact, my son." 

     "I will not fail you or dishonor the Albizzi name." The soldier said. 

     "If this miracle occurs and you appear in the past, no one will recognize you, you must go straight to your grandfather and give him the documents. The capellanus removed a ring from his finger and gave it to the young man. "This is my personal signet ring, guard it with your life. If your grandfather does not believe your story show him the ring. " the capellanus said. The capellanus kissed the young man on the head and said "This is a brave and honorable thing you do for the Alizzi family, I am so proud of you my son. Now we must leave." The capellanus and the captain walked back down the hall and exited the church. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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