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A/N: A small peace offering since I broke my promise hehe. I'm terribly sorry. I hope I can compensate for it by the end of the month. I won't be saying empty promises anymore. I hope you like this one.


Ash's POV

I ended it before it gets to the really serious part. They're all huddled together, blankets over them, and blinking at me, waiting for me to continue. I looked at my lady's eyes, they're wide from shock. Her mouth seemed to forget what closing means as her jaw hanged. I heaved a huge breath and looked at my palms. Images of the gruesome events before played in my mind like an endless stream of lava flowing through my veins. 

My lady first stood up and approached me. Her porcelain hands, now littered with wounds and scars, found their place on my cheeks. She displayed a smile despite the lingering tears in her eyes. She grabbed my hands and slowly pulled me outside, leaving her peers behind. Quietly shutting the door, she took a huge amount of air and looked at me in the eyes. The emotions hidden in her (e/c) eyes a while ago are now vulnerable to my sight. Little by little, the crystal-like specks of bittersweet tears cascaded down her face.

"I-... I can remember parts of it when you were telling us. I can feel it, the emotions I felt. It was so strong and overwhelming." I didn't say anything. No words can comfort her right now. So I did the best thing I could think of to tell her that she's not going through this alone. I gently took her slightly shaking body and encased it within my arms. She hugged back within a moment's notice.

We stayed together like that for who knows how long but I'm sure that it greatly helped ease her emotions right now. Sometimes, words are unnecessary to comfort someone. Sometimes, the peaceful company you provide is enough. She gently pulled away and showed a small smile at me.

"I guess you have questions?" I said softly. My lady is very vulnerable at the moment, so one should be very careful of their tone and actions. She heaved a huge amount of oxygen before she grabbed my hands and pulled me outside. She led me to the back of the inn where there stood a large tree with a bench right beside it. She sat first and patted the seat beside her. I followed gingerly and looked ahead.

"What happened after?" Her voice flowed like the calm endless blue sea. A moment of it cracked but it is justifiable by the current state of her emotions. One can hear the confusion, the yearning in her voice. 

"It's not a bedtime story just so you know." I slowly grabbed a hand on her lap and interlocked it with mine. My lady, no matter what happens, I'll be the greatest support you'll ever have.

"I know... I know it since the beginning. But without those memories, how could I protect the family I have now and end this childish fight?" (e/c) eyes drooped slightly. Not only is anxiety present behind those pools of (e/c), but the swirl of uncertainty is there as well.

"Daichi, the Green Goddess, turned her back to all of you. She let the humans massacre the realms of the two gods. It was a bloodbath."

3rd Person POV

Rage. Rage is the only thing present in the field. Almost all went extinct aside from the barbarous humans. The white god stood tall at the other side of the battlefield, holding his spear. On the other side is the green goddess who clenched at her wooden staff tightly.

"Daichi, I can't believe that it'll all eventually end up with us here in a battle." Kazeko harshly said to the green goddess. He started taking powerful strides towards her and readied his spear for any combat.

"Kazeko, you don't wanna do this." Daichi situated her staff in front of her and grabbed it with both of her hands, ready to chant a spell. Kazeko didn't stop the threatening steps he was taking. In a flash of a moment, the white god's strides became a full-on sprint to his enemy. The war between the 2 celestials commenced. What they didn't know is that (e/c) orbs followed their every move. (y/n) hid behind a tree, the shades helping to mask her presence. 

"Ash..." Not even a second passed, the owner of the aforementioned name already appeared in front of the red goddess.

"At your service, your highness." He faintly bowed at the lady in front of him with the utmost respect. The (h/c) head panned her sight to the reaper.

"The time has come. Prepare everything, the blue god will arrive any time now as well." Even though her tone is cold, her eyes tell a different story. Ash bowed again with a slight nod. He disappeared once (y/n) faced the ongoing fight once more. Her eyebrows furrowed, the decision she made will absolutely tear any hope of mending the broken relationship between the four of them. But they left her with no choice, she can't bear to see her friends fighting because of negative emotions. Pride? Dignity? Hope? After all of this, she's not too sure if those three things will still exist. Well, she can only hope.

Like what she anticipated, the blue god appeared at the edge of the battlefield. His gaze hard and cold with anger and his fists are clenched until his knuckles turned white. Daichi and Kazeko leaped away from each other, both panting. Their eyes lingered on the newcomer who calmly walks towards the two of them. Every one of them increased their defenses since their opponent which was supposed to be one, doubled.

"I'm hurt, you guys went on without me." Mizuya joked but anybody could hear the threatening tone of his voice. 

"Oh? The great red goddess (y/n) is not present at the most intense battle in history? Did you guys inform her or what?" His talks couldn't force any amount of words from the other two who kept their eyes on him.

"What's with those looks? Am I not welcome?" He snickered. He dragged his hand across his face as he chuckled darkly. The hand he used fell on his side and there materialized his sacred weapon, the sapphire trident.

"Mind if I join in?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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