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Even if you are imaginary you give me comfort

In the depths of my mind I can see you glow 

I know I can't ever meet you, but the face that in my mind I can see you is comforting

You bring me peace knowing you exist even in my mind, I wish that I can turn time back just to create you in real life

I would go on adventures with you and maybe even kiss you if you let me 

Because you give me comfort, you give me everything I need

You give me hope in others, you give me a hope I can meet someone like you someday

You exist in others minds too, you give them comfort and we know it is true

You perform spells in a magical world, you fight to protect the galaxy, you protect others around you, you do many things we fall in love with each day

Not only do you comfort us but you are our true love 

We wish to get held, a smell your special smell, we want your presence, and we long for you to be present right here right now...

Not a single word, just stating our vows 

Oh gosh how I long for you right now at this very moment 

Who knows maybe in this other world we were opponents and suddenly became lovers in this very moment?

Who knows maybe in this other world we were lovers right away and suddenly I had to get taken away?

Who knows maybe in this other world we never met at all but suddenly when I was about to end it all you came to rescue me at my fall?

Who knows maybe in this other world we were friends but it turned out you were someone who pretended to be my friend?

We may never know what is held in this other world we know, but all I know now is that you comfort me whole. 


This got deep super quick 

In case you didn't know this chapter was about comfort characters; just imagine your favorite one at this very moment :) 

That's why I put Anakin Skywalker (he's my comfort character)

Thanks luvs, 

Samantha Italiano

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