- 𝐓𝐖𝐎 -

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- 𝐑𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 -

It the day after my gig and the middle of the school day, I was with Missy and she told me how Nasreen had just blew off her mum when she spoke to her. We walking up to Naz on the yard, Missy was screaming at her but Nasreen wasn't doing anything back which made Missy shout at her louder, "AWW, like you don't know how to fight back, you're such a good little Muslim, you fit right in with these lot! -" As Missy turned her back Naz went to punch her but I stopped it by pushing her to the floor before climbing on top of her, as I was punching her reputedly someone pushed me off, this caused Missy to pull Nasreen's hair as I punched her again. To be honest some people might say it wasn't fair, two against one, but the students didn't care they were just canting Fight! Fight! Fight! Over and over. However, it was broken up by a teacher I didn't know the name of yet.

It was the end of the day, me and Missy were sitting on this sofa that was in a skip but it never seemed to get taking away, we were waiting for Cory. Once he got there, I sat on Missy's knee to make room for him, she ranted about Nasreen before I whispered in her ear an idea for our playboy to go through with- "So you know what, Sleep with her for us?" we both had a smirk on our face as Cory just let out a shocked, "What?" which lead me to answer with, "You heard her darling-" and with that we jumped of the sofa, linking arms as we walked down the ally, leaving a shocked Cory by himself. 



Missy and I were standing at my locker, when Cory came up to us and asked if we were being for real about him sleeping with Nasreen, which we were. "It's going to be imposable- even for me. Plus, if I did sleep with her, that's got to be worth a little something-" I grew a massive smirk on my face and whispered something to her, it caused her to burst out laughing and she nudged me to tell him- "Alright then, if you sleep with her, I'll suck your dick" I looked him up and down before continuing, "Well all 2 inches of it!" 


I got a text from Missy that Cory told some of the boys what we said, so we were trying to find him, we saw him sat on the window-cell next to the stairs and he was kissing Naz. "Cory! Stop you're a slimy bastard- half the school know about what we said to you!" Missy shouted at him before Naz interrupted, "He doesn't even want you, it's only because we said if he slept with you that I would give him a blowjob!" I shouted at Nasreen causing Cory to claim she kissed him before Naz spoke again- "What kind of twisted screw up are You's, trying to get me off with a walking STD-" I ended up zoning them out after that point but I pretended to drop something as the two other girls fought. I picked it up before placing my hand on the back of Cory's leg while standing up. As I got to his pocket I placed a piece of paper with my number on it. 




Nasreen, Missy and Rylie eventually made up after finding out Naz was struggling with her faith as she was coming to terms with her being a lesbian. The three had never been closer- they were standing at Rylie's locker talking about the most recent gossip. "So, if you don't fancy us!" Missy said while gesturing between herself and Rylie before continuing to ask her question, "Who do you like?" Nasreen let out a sigh before taking a long glance at Miss. Sharif walking by. Rylie nugged Missy in the direction of the teacher causing the blonde girl to gasp, "Her! You fancy her! The new teacher- sorry Naz but she isn't going to go for it!" She said in disbelief cause the tanned girl In front of her to tell the other girls how they had already kissed at her old school last term.

This took the Three to lunch where Nasreen told the two girls about the kiss, "I didn't think I would ever see her again because the trip ended and so did the term, but I started school here and there she is!" The dark-haired girl confided in the girls about the feelings for her teacher happily- this pressed her two friends to shove Nasreen in the direction of their teacher to start a conversation about their summer. Once their conversation was over, the girls had finished their lunch which led Rylie to carry on their talk about said teacher, "She isn't that much older than us Naz- Youse are just two ordinary people who have the hots for each other!" The girls walked their way outside while passing the one and only playboy's- Cory Wilson- table, the boy spotted the group of girls before sending a cheeky wink in the direction of Rylie who was fiddling with her sliver hair as she laughed with her mates before returning Cory's gesture with a smirk before walking out the hall.

The boy had feelings for the girl but he had a plan to make her jealous with Riz's sister- Aliya- He got the girls phone number from her brother but had suspensions that he had gave the boy his own number instead of his sisters. Later at the lockers he sent a message to the 'Girl' suggesting they slept together to get the attention of Riz- once the boy caught on, he shoved Cory which led to a shouting match between the two catching the attention of Mr. Bell and Mr. Simpson who both made the boys play on the ruby team which got push back from Cory, "Rugby! But sir I'm a footballer!" However, the teacher didn't care he just told the two boys they could go to isolation if they would prefer. Riz's and Cory's attention was soon turned to laughing Chloe Keane and Rylie Winter's, they were watching the whole time before the boy's went there separate ways due to the bell ringing.  


--𝓑𝓐𝓓 𝓖𝓘𝓡𝓛 𝓘𝓝 𝓣𝓞𝓦𝓝-- Ackley Bridge, Cory Wilson x oc--Where stories live. Discover now