Chapter 1

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1892, Philippa's POV

I sat on the dock, writing a letter to Davey. We hadn't seen each other since we were 8. I'd been visiting Manhattan with my aunt and uncle, as they were family friends with the Jacobs's. I was friends with Davey since I was a little child. We were visiting for the birth of his little brother, Les. He was just a little baby last time I saw him.

I lived in an orphanage in Coney Island. My parents died when I was 4, and me and my twin, Helena, were moved to the same orphanage as our cousins, Adeliza and Cecelia. I sometimes visited my aunt and uncle on their trips to Manhattan to visit the Jacobs's.

"Whatcha writing Philippa?" My friend Skye says. "A letter to Davey." "Aww, do you love him?" Talulah says. "Maybe a little." "Speaking of love, how's Oscar doing, Isla?" "I may have kissed him..... on the cheek though! It wasn't a real kiss! It doesn't count!"

Isla was 12, older than all of us. I was 10, Talulah was 9, and Skye was 10. Oscar was new to the orphanage, I heard from Mrs. Eden, the owner, that him and his brother were abandoned by their abusive father. His brother was Morris, who was Talulah's age. He was a shy kid, he didn't talk at all, and followed his brother around everywhere.

I finished up my letter, and folded it up, slipping it in my dress pocket. I walked back with my friends for lunch. We were allowed outside during the day, but not after dinner. We weren't allowed to go outside alone. Some kids had gone missing over the past few years. None were ever found.

I slipped my letter to Davey in the mailbox. I sat down at the table with Skye, Talulah, and Isla. Oscar and Morris joined us. "Hey." I said to them. "Hi." Oscar said. Morris just waved. We were given milk and potato soup. I talked with Skye and Talulah, Isla talked to Oscar, and Morris just sat there silently.

After lunch, we were released to do what we wanted. I wondered how Davey was doing, and if he was thinking about me.

Davey's POV

"Davey, there's a letter for you." Mama said. It was from Philippa. She was my friend, we'd been talking since we were five. We only talked through letters now, since she lived in Coney Island, and wasn't able to come see me. "Sarah, Les, look, she sent me another letter!" Sarah sat next to me on the couch, and Les sat on my lap. I opened the letter.

Dear Davey,
How are you? Im doing pretty good. Im doing well on my lessons and Mrs Eden thinks so too. Me and Skye found a berry patch in the woods yesterday. I wish I could see you again soon I miss you. How are Sarah and Les? Maybe one day I can come visit again. And guess what? Isla kissed a boy! Shes in love with him! I turned 10 a few days ago. Helena says hi. There are some new kids here. Morris and Oscar. Morris doesnt talk and follows Oscar around. Oscar is the boy that Isla kissed. Anyway thats all I miss you you're my best friend.
Love, Philippa

(I don't know how to write letters)

"Mama, when will she come visit again?" Les asked, jumping up and down. "Soon honey. I hope so." "Yay!" I went and put my letter to her in the mailbox. I can't wait to see her again.

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