Chapter 3

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1894, Philippa's POV

Two years had gone by. I still hadn't have the chance to visit Davey, and I didn't know when I would. I sat on the stairs, and Adeliza sat next to me, handing me an envelope. Cecelia and Helena sat next to me too. It was a letter from Davey.

As we read the letter, I was starting to realize I was falling helplessly in love with David Jacobs. I noticed something else in the envelope. It was a small gold locket. I put on the locket. "Do you love that boy?" Adeliza asked. "Maybe I do. I think so." "You should tell him how you feel." "How would I say that? I haven't even seen him in years." "Whenever you're ready." "I think you should tell him!" Cecelia beamed excitedly.

Isla and Talulah ran up to us in a panic. "Have you seen Skye, Oscar, and Morris? They went into the woods 4 hours ago, and no one has seen them. They aren't anywhere in the woods, where could they be?" Isla says. "They're missing?" Helena says. "Yeah. Think so." Talulah says. "Cecelia, go tell Mrs. Eden." Adeliza says. "Okay!"

Everyone was told to stay inside, while Mrs. Eden and a few employees went to look for them. After around 5 hours, they came back. There was no sign of them at all. It was a quiet rest of the day. In my letter to Davey, I mentioned what had happened. Where could they have gone?


It had been a year since the three of them disappeared. No one ever saw them again, or knew where they could've gone. Were they even alive? Isla hadn't really gotten over Oscar. I shove some dresses in my suitcase. My aunt and uncle are coming to pick me up today, to go to Manhattan. I finally get to see Davey again! My cousins are coming too. "I can't wait to meet him!" Cecelia says, bouncing up and down. "Cecelia, go pack your stuff." Adeliza says. "Okay!"

Mrs. Eden appears in the doorway. "Philippa, Helena, Adeliza, and Cecelia. Your aunt and uncle are here to pick you up." "Thanks Mrs. Eden. We'll be out soon." Cecelia came back with her suitcase. "Ready?" Adeliza asked. "Yeah! Let's go!"

Aunt Gwendolyn, Uncle Frank, and my cousin Xochitl were waiting outside for us. We exchanged hugs, and got into the back of the carriage. It was only about half an hour, before we arrived in Manhattan.

We walked through the busy streets of Manhattan, where several newsboys were shouting headlines. They were mostly boys, some older boys, some around my age, and some even younger than Cecelia.

We finally make it to the apartment complex he lives in. I knock on the door, and Mrs. Jacobs answers. "Philippa! It's so good to see you again!" I give her a hug, and walk into the apartment. "Davey!" I run over to him and we hug.

Les walks up to me, and I give him a hug.  "Philippa!" "Hey Les!" He's grown so much since the last time I'd seen him, considering he'd been a little baby. After dinner, me and Davey had gone for a walk. "Davey, can I tell you something?" Davey stopped next to me. "Yeah, of course." I sighed. "I love you. More than a friend."

He was silent. Why did I do this? I hope I didn't ruin our friendship with my stupid confession. "I'm sorry Davey I-" "No, it's fine, I feel the same way." "Really?" "Yeah." I threw my arms around him and kissed him. "I love you Davey." "I love you too."

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