Valentine's Special!

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A/N Hey guys! Wow, it's Valentine's already?? Time sure flies when you're lazy (sorry by you, I meant me). So I actually wrote this around 3 years ago (yes that's how long Sage and Zach have been in my mind lol) and it was valentine's special. I think I was going for a light hearted comedy with a healthy dose of omniscient, which I guess is a reoccurring pattern. I polished it up a little, but you can tell the style is pretty different from what I do nowadays. I still really liked it though, and as always, I hope you enjoy.

"I-I made this myself...could you accept it?" She blushed and stuttered uncontrollably. "Ha-happy Valentine's day," she managed to say.

Sage returned a polite smile. He has never seen this girl in his life. "Thanks, but sorry. I'm lactose intolerant."

"Oh...right," she looked hurt and wiped her eyes on her sleeve. "Right, you're Asian." While anyone could have realized just how inappropriate that comment was, she was heartbroken, so cut her some slack please.

"Of course, I'm sorry I wasted your time—" She didn't finish her sentence, and rushed out the room, holding back tears. It took her so long to muster the courage and now...

Guess which guy received no chocolates for the rest of Feb. 14th? But let's move our spotlight back to the girl shall we?

"Estelle! How did it go?" Her friends asked, unaware of the red eyes and sniffles.

"Oh! He's just—" and there she started to relay the story.

Zach, passing by, stopped in his tracks. A commotion of girls circled around another crying girl on "valentines" wasn't an ultra-rare pokemon per-say, but this was outside of Sage's classroom.

"Don't cry Estelle," Her friends patted her on the back. "It's not like Sage rejected you or anything, who knew he was lactose intolerant?"

At the mention of keywords "Sage" and "Lactose intolerant", Zach's heart dropped. What the heck? Sage is lactose intolerant? How did I not notice?

He continued walking in an annoyed hurry as he rattled off all possible evidence that Sage was indeed lactose intolerant. He drinks coffee, but he's ever added milk. I certainly have never seen him eat chocolate or sweets in general. What the hell was I thinking? Making chocolate? Yes, Zach wanted to surprise Sage this Valentines, even though he's never made any meal in his entire life. The family chefs always rushed him out of the kitchen. But this time, with some help, he had succeeded, and after a day of hard work and failures to take to the grave, Zach had a box of chocolates in his bag, which are about to remain in this bag and to be consumed silently, by himself instead of Sage.

Zach opened his locker and a stack of chocolate falls out. He never locked it before, because it was unlikely anyone would take anything valuable. Now he was reevaluating his options.

He suppressed a groan. Chocolates were something he would have normally appreciated, but not today, not today.

"Wow, thanks to however gave these to me!" he said, a little bit too loud.

There were happy squeals and giggles, and Zach assumed his job was about done. He flung his bag in his locker and slammed it shut. He did not want to see the damned thing for at least the whole school day. (He did not throw it because deep down, he doesn't want to waste food and his hard work and first edible masterpiece better deserve some tasting. Of course, he'll never admit that).

In class, Zach didn't focus. Instead he pieced together every shred, every hint that the immortal beings gave him, shouting at his face: "HE'S LACTOSE INTOLERANT." Every minute made him more and more mad and embarrassed of himself.

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