Good news and Bad news

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"Minho!" I screamed. I fell to my knees. And before I knew it, tears were falling. Second-in-command. My best friend. His last words were "Keep them safe, Newt. The Gladers." Then, his eyes glazed over, and he was gone.

And it made me realise how much he cared for us. His home. All the Gladers surrounded Roxelle and I as we held Minho. Minho. Sarcastic Minho. Funny Minho. Caring Minho. We carried him back to the Glade, and held a special funeral for the beloved Glader. We buried him not at the Deadheads, but at the doors of the Maze, where he always left with the Runners.

I felt like a part of me was ripped away. A part of my life. Minho. That name lingered among the Glade, and a silence that had never existed before hung over the Glade.

Even as a few weeks passed, we still couldn't get over Minho's death. Especially Roxelle, Tommy, and me. The ones who were closest to him. Tommy was the new Keeper for the Runners now. We rarely spoke to each other, until one day, abnormal things started happening. That night, after the Runners returned, the doors didn't close.

"The doors aren't closing! What do we do?" Someone yelled. "Slim it shuck face. There's nothing you can do. So shut you hole." I had to keep calm.

As their leader, I yelled across the Glade,"Listen slintheads. The walls ain't closing tonight. So hide. Or run. Take whatever weapons you find. And now go before the Grievers come for us." Then, I ran around trying to find Roxelle.

"Rox! Where are you? Tommy? Rox?" No. Not them as well. Soon, Tommy joined my side, but Roxelle was nowhere to be seen. "Newt. Come on. She's Runner. Surely she can defend herself." Tommy's words didn't assure me, but I followed anyways, and prayed for Roxelle.

Although Roxelle came running later, she was in bad condition. Very bad. It looked like a Griever had stung her. No. The serum. We need the serum.

Newt. I'm fine. She replied, although I could see that she was struggling to keep calm. "No. You are not fine and I know it. Now lie down and speak as less as possible. Don't waste your breath."

But we had to wait till the Grievers went away, and that was still a few minutes away. Will she last?

Once daylight came around, I carried her out of our hiding place. "Med-jacks!" I yelled. "The serum. She got stung. Go." I ordered. They went off without a word.

The damage was worse than I thought. What once was the Homestead lay in a heap of burnt wood, and the Map room... The Map Room! "Tommy! Runners!" The group of them came at my call. "The map room. It's destroyed. Well, I guess we're back to square one." I tried to act like nothing was wrong. But they were smiling. Smiling? "Tommy? Why that smile?" "We think we found a way out. Just give us a few more weeks and we will be outta here." That grin stayed plastered on his face.

But after the good news came the bad news. Roxelle had gone through the Changing, but now she was changing hereself. I had to take care of this. Grievers or not. I found her sobbing quietly in a corner. "I know it's you. Go away." Her voice had a strain to it, as if she was being forced. Forced. "Newt. It's...the...end. We can't do this anymore." Gosh. That hurt. But by the tone of the voice she used, she didn't mean it. She was being forced.

She came towards me with a knife, her steps hesitant. And I knew that if I resisted, all this effort she took would have been nothing. So, I let myself get under her, and braced myself for the pain to come. But it never did. "I can't do it." She was whispering. "I can't kill Newt."

And thinking about the amount of courage she took to do that, to stand against whatever that was controlling her, caused me to pull her into a kiss, but it felt hollow. As if something was missing from it.


QOTC:"I recognize him from his sexy hair because it is so much like my own! But not as good."What fandom is this quote from? Who said it?

The first one to get this correct gets a delication :)

(P.S it's not from the TMR fandom.) Created by nutella_FTW. I don't think alot of people know this be fair, neither did I until she told me.

Those of you who say my stories are becoming weird, it's probably because I'm running out of ideas. And I'm under pressure cos I know you guys want me to update fast...but I still have school you if you want me to update faster, comment ideas along with your answer for the QOTC if you have any. *Answers and the winner will be revealed next chapter.

And you guys better comment ideas, cos the next chapter ain't coming till I get some ideas.


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