The Killer

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As Roxelle and I argued about her killing me, a loud alarm rang throughout the Glade. "The Newbie Alarm!" I yelled over the noise, and ran over to the Box, where a few Gladers were already gathered around.

I jumped into the Box, and gave the new Greenie a hand getting up. "Welcome to the Glade, ya shank." Minho said behind me.

"Who are you? What are you doing to me?" She asked, lost. I remembered myself when I first came here, with only three boys for company.

"Whatcha name Greenie. I'm Roxelle. It's ok we won't hurt you." Roxelle calmly stepped forward. She was much better than this than I am. "Clarice." The Killer. A voice whispered. "What did you say?" I said out loud, then covered my mouth. "Clarice." The Greenie repeated.

"Yeah I know." I mumbled. Who's the Killer?

Then, I realised the Roxelle was staring at me, the alarm evident in her eyes. Newt! She screamed. In my head. I tried replying. What's wrong? I formed the words and sent them at her. She looked surprised. Can we communicate with our minds?

I guess so. I shrugged. Clarice is the Killer. Watch out.She warned. The Killer. Who was supposed to be killed? Not me, Roxelle was supposed to do that.

I turned to look at Roxelle again, to find her mixing with the other two girls, Clarice and Teresa. I could see that she was a little nervous with Clarice.

I walked up to them. Roxelle needed to go for her job trials with the Keepers. She would start with Winston, leaving Minho for the last.

It took her a week to get everything done. "So, do you have anything in mind, or are you still sticking with Runner? Because I recommend something else."

"Runner." She said, a cheeky smirk playing on her face. Doesn't she realise how serious this is? "You do know your life depends on this right?"

This debate went on to develop into an argument. "Why not?" She said, indignant. "You know I have the abilities. I even won a race with Minho! Isn't that enough to let me be a shucking Runner?"

"I don't want you getting hurt, Roxelle." I snapped, the desperation obvious in my voice. She stepped closer. For once, I got a proper look at her face. Her green eyes twinkled off the sunlight, her silky blonde hair swept messily into a ponytail, just...perfect.

"Why do you even care? And I'm going to Minho to ask him. Surely he's nicer than you!" She spat, as if accusing me.

"No Roxelle! Just quit it ok? Remove that thought from your head." I said, annoyed. But as soon as the words were out from my mouth, I regretted them.

I turned to apologise, but she was running off towards the forest. I found her leaning against a tree, head in her hands, crying.

I held her by the shoulders and rocked her back and forth. Why did I say that? I thought. "You know the question you asked me earlier? I think I have an answer."

She lifted her head. "What?" She scowled. I laughed. "I like your face when you scowl." She stuck her tongue out. "The answer is...because I love you." I pulled her face towards mine and pressed my lips against hers. She looked surprised, but not reluctant.

And soon, our lips were moving in sync.

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