Chapter 1: Letter

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I was told, for a glow stick to glow it has to break.

Alika's point of view

The Dursley's were the only family Harry and I had left. They were rather fond of me but despised of Harry.

Unlike Harry, I listened to them. Didn't talk back, didn't speak to a snake and didn't stay next to the cage at the zoo instead of following our foster family.

He had spoken to the snake that Dudley was keen on, and the glass vanished and re-appeared with our cousin inside.

"Alika, dishes, and you, boy, clean the bathroom. Chop-chop, haven't got all day." Petunia ordered us, slapping Harry's probably sore head once more.

I held back chuckled as Perunia, Vernon and Dudley left to go upstairs for an anonymous reason.

"It's not funny, Paddy." Harry commented, nudging my arm as I let the giggles seep through my mouth.

"Oh but it is, Prep."

Our nicknames were sacred to us and we were careful to only use them in front of each other so the Dursley's wouldn't use them against us. We knew we had heard them before, perhaps from mum and dad, but never knew where.

"I'm off to clean the bathroom then, Pads." Harry stated, ruffling my crimson hair.

"Bye-bye now."

I pulled up my sleeves and put on the marigold gloves, letting the sink fill with Luke-warm water before adding the soap. I grabbed a sponge and begin scrubbing at the pots and pans.

I finished with the washing up and decided to give the kitchen a touch up. I chucked on my apron and grabbed all the ingredients to make my famous cake.

Four free range eggs.
A splash of milk.
Half a cup of sugar.
Vanilla extract.
A cup and a half of flower.

I whisked the eggs into a frothy substance whilst humming my favourite tune.

I pre-heated the oven and carried on pouring in ingredients, including the lemon juice I often added as a surprise.

"Making your favourite cake are you?" I heard Harry ask as I continued to whisk the ingredients together.

"Yep. It'll be fresh for Tuney's little Duddykins."

Harry and I often mocked our hatred family, making fun of their nicknames, voices and more. It was a way we bonded.

"Better shove it in the oven, sis. And clean up, I'll help."

I poured the liquid in the baking tray and shoved it in the oven.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday our Dudley, happy birthday to you." Everyone sang in perfect harmony.

I carried the cake I had baked out on a large tray, watching the candles flicker.

"Make a wish." I greeted as I reached my obese cousin.

He spat at the candles, saliva hitting my face. I handed the cake over to him and wandered back to the cupboard with Harry.

"Hey, Paddy." He mumbled, fiddling with his knight toy.

"Mhm." I pulled a book off of our shelf and set myself at the end of the mattress before reading it.

"Dudley like the cake?"

"I hope, ran out before I got yelled at." I consoled, kicking off my shoes and accidentally hitting my brother.

"Night, Pads." Harry muttered, turning over and flicking off the light.

I set down my book and replied to my brother in a whisper. "Night, Prep."

In the morning, Harry and I went to the fort to collect our post. We flicked threw the 'junk mail' before finding two letters both addressed to either one of us.

"Look dad, Harry and Alika have mail!" Dudley squealed, snatching our letters from our hands ruthlessly.

"Who would want to be sending mail to you two-" His and Petunia's jaws dropped to the floor, they gave us a long, wretched and painful glance before chucking the letters in the fire.

Days and days past and more letters came threw the mail box. Until one came threw the chimney.

Except it wasn't one, it were thousands upon thousands.

They flooded out the house, making it almost impossible to move. Harry and I rushed around to find our letters before-


We were shoved into the cupboard once again with Vernon's dragon breathe shouting at us saying how we were going away somewhere.

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