Chapter 11: Punishment

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I knocked on the want-to-be headmistress' door harshly, not sparing any time to be 'polite'. As if the word wasn't in the English dialect.

"Enter." She coed. I could here her sickly sips of tea from outside.

I entered the room reluctantly. Plaits with moving cars greeted me, screeching as if wanting me to save them. I honestly couldn't blame them, is I was trapped in the eye sore's office I would probably use the Killing Curse. On myself.

"Good day. I assume you know why you are here?" She almost cackled, splitting my eardrums with her high pitched tone.

"No not really when it was self defence. Surprised you ain't in Azkaban yet, darling."

"Do not use that snarky tone with me!" She bellowed, demanding the thing most teachers don't think normal.

"Oh I'm sorry for being human. Want me to grab my brother quickly so you can butcher as at the same time or?" I sneered, looking at my hand, then the door and then back at Umbridge.

"Let's get this over with." She smirked, looking at her desk and standing up. "I want you to write 'I must not assault' with my quill. Until it sinks in."

Her smile almost blinded me, if it wasn't for the fact her tears were yellow.

"Let's get butchered." I sat down with fake enthusiasm, grabbing her quill.

'I must not assault' appeared on my hand after I it appeared on the paper.

"Done. Bye butcher lady." I waved, tapping her back so she could notice.

"Come back tomorrow for your sarcasm. That's all."

"So? What happened?" Harry asked, hitting Ron as he was staring at me.

"Got another tomorrow but it's fine. Didn't hurt really."

"I can't believe you stood up to Dolores." Hermione sighed, grabbing my hand and rubbing my new scar. 

"I can. You obviously haven't met Alika, Mione. She is something else, say the least." Ron wasn't wrong.

In my second year, I knew something was up with that Quirrel. His stutter, his turban. Everything. So I ignored him in class. And everywhere. And in the end, was the main cause of his death.

In third year, I took on around twenty dementor's kisses so Harry and Sirius wouldn't. Worst experience of my life but it was worth it. All the happiness was sucked out of me but Remus managed to gather me about fifty chocolate frogs and a bunch of random chocolate bars. I was feeling ok then.

Fourth year I didn't show fear. Just felt it, knew it was there. Cried when I knew everyone in my dorm was asleep. Smiled when they were awake. Helped Harry get away from Voldemort yet get none of the praise. Didn't bother me. I'd rather be invisible than envied.

"Correct, Ronald. But Alika, you do realise you can't-" Hermione's judgemental words bought me out of my thoughts once again.

"Can't be myself? Don't forget, I got all my dad's traits. And I have been around Sirius quite a lot."

"I wasn't saying that, Pads. I just don't want you getting hurt."

"I get told that over and over again but my whole life is pain! My parents are dead, my teacher is cruel, we are in the daily prophet twenty-four-seven. Harry and I are getting chased by our parents murderer!"

I lost it. Whenever I decide to do something 'stupid' I get told I shouldn't need to get hurt. But I am hurt. I am broken inside and I choose not to show it because I am ambitious and strong. Fearless to the outside but I am human. I have emotions too.

I can't just shut them off.

"Why don't you tell Harry not to be stupid? Go on. He is your best friend, not me. I don't get as much attention as him and clearly I don't matter otherwise you would be treating us equally. So instead of coming here and telling me, the one trying to keep us alive, what to do, tell Harry. He is the one who told Cedric to grab it at the same time as us in the maze. He should of just taken the win."

Veins were throbbing behind my skin. My heart was pounding. I finally broke. I hated when I got told what not to do when it is the only good option. The only one keeping everyone else out of trouble, taking the spotlight off of them.

I may be called dramatic afterwards by my so called friends but I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Pads, I-"

"Shut up, Harry! Do you think I want to be yelling at you? That I want to hate you all right now? I don't! Trust me for once in your perfect little lives. Yes I may be a prefect and I have brilliant friends but I have a bounty on my head right now. I have things going on you couldn't imagine that I can't tell you!"

I ran out of the room, slamming the door. Thankfully, Draco was also going on a short walk before curfew.

I sprinted to him, opening my arms to greet him with a hug. I broke into his arms, crying and trying to lead myself away from hitting his chest.

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