Valentine's Day Special

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A/N: Hello dearies~ I hope you're all having a lovely Valentine's day. Since it is Kiyoko's birthday, I decided to do a V-day special as you can see. I'm writing this while watching a glass blowing show on Netflix with my parents. This won't follow the episodes, it's just random because I wanted to write something since I won't be able to follow the episodes today because I want to spend time with my parents. Also, fun-fact, while today is Kiyoko's birthday, it is my half birthday today so yay! Anyway, onto the main event while I eat my heart waffles!

Kiyoko POV:

The sun shone through my curtains as I started to wake up. I walked over to my calendar while yawning and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. The picture of my calendar was roses. I took my pen and crossed out the previous day. My eyes widened at the date.

'It's Valentine's day AND my birthday!' I thought excitedly as I went to get ready for the day. After showering and getting dressed, I ran into the kitchen to be greeted by the smell of bacon and red velvet waffles made by dad.

"Hey birthday girl. Happy 11th birthday and Valentine's" he said while finishing up the waffles. I hugged him gently as not to startle him.

"Thanks dad" I said, he just rubbed the top of my head.

"You got your treats for school all ready to go?" he asked. I nodded and went to the pantry where I kept the box of my treats for school.

"Did you grab the cupcakes from the bakery?" I asked in return while pulling the box out.

"Yup, red velvet cupcakes with cream filling and swiss buttercream frosting" he replied while pointing to the kitchen island. 

"Great! Bet no one expected to get double treats" I said while putting the box of Valentine's themed puppy chow next to the cupcakes.

(A/N: Puppy chow is not what it sounds like. It's cereal, usually Chex mix, tossed in powder sugar and drizzled in candy melts. You also put some candy in there like m&m's and some sprinkles. I made it one year for school, it was fun)

"They will be surprised" he chuckled. I went to sit at the table and noticed a little pink box on my plate. I picked it up and read the note.

'Happy Valentine's/Birthday Kiyoko, Love dad' I smiled and opened it as dad sat across from me setting down two plates, one with waffles and the other with bacon. Inside held a charm bracelet, with only two charms so far. One being a cupcake, the other being a pink rhinestone encrusted heart.

"You can collect more charms as you grow older, either ones you like or ones that play an significant part in your life" he said. I ran and hugged him once again. I've always wanted a charm bracelet and I finally got one.

"Thanks dad" I whispered. He held me just as tightly as I was him.

"No problem sweetie, now eat your breakfast so we can get to school" I nodded and quickly ate my waffles and bacon.


Dad and I entered the classroom with a couple students who were waiting outside for my dad to get there. I carried my box of puppy chow bags while dad carried the cupcakes. I took my seat with my goodies and set up my little mailbox for cards and candy. Dad had everyone decorate a little box the other day to make carrying Valentines back home easily. Mine was painted red with little pink foam heart stickers around it with my name written on the lid in black ink.

"Hi Kiyoko, happy Valentine's day" I looked to the source of the quiet voice to find Kayo.

"Happy Valentine's Kayo!" I responded cheerfully. She smiled and sat down. She pulled out her little box that was also painted red but had white foam hearts decorated on it. The classroom slowly started to fill up. After dad took attendance, he told us all to go around the room and put our treats or cards for each other in our boxes. I handed my gift to Kayo directly which she thanked me for and gave me a little homemade card that had a little bee on it saying 'Bee my Valentine' which I found adorable.

I walked around with the puppy chow bags and placed each one into someone's mailbox. Once everyone passed out their gifts, we all sat back down and dad came around with the cupcakes. I went through my Valentines while eating my cupcake. They consisted of candy hearts, lollypops, and cards but there was one that caught my eye, a necklace with a little heart with a key hole charm. There was a note which I proceeded to read.

'I found out it was your birthday today as well. I hope you like it- your secret admirer' 

My what now? Who gave me this? I looked around to see if I could somehow tell who gave it to me. Alas, no one gave off any signs. I stared back at the necklace with a small smile. I put it around my neck quickly.

"You have a secret admirer?" Kayo asked.

"I guess. I wonder who it is" I replied while looking at the note again to see if I could figure out whose writing it was but I just couldn't recognize it. I wonder if I'll ever know.

A/N: Alright, that's the special. I hope you enjoyed it. Also, we'll be revisiting on who this admirer is later in this book but y'all probably know who it is already since this IS a Kenya fanfiction. Anyway, hope you all have a lovely Valentine's day, single pringle or not. Till next time dearies~

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