Chapter 18

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A/N: This is what Kiyoko is wearing. Also, if you know who this is, we're friends now. Oh, also, thank you so much for 11k reads! It means so much to me! 

Kiyoko POV:

It was like time stopped when I entered that room. I haven't seen any of these guys since we were kids. The day Satoru went into a coma, was the day dad said we were leaving. I hadn't known what happened to Satoru until after we had moved into our new apartment. It was strange to me why we had to suddenly move. Dad had told me that he had gotten a better teaching job in another city, and he had to leave tonight and be there the next day if he wanted it. I was too upset, knowing I couldn't get the chance to say goodbye to my friends, to contemplate why we were leaving.

(A/N: I remember him leaving the night he tried to kill Satoru but if I'm wrong, please let me know, then I can edit it)

"KIYOKO?!" well, my eardrums just burst from all three of them yelling.

"Geez, not so loud. I'm right here, you know" I teased with a small smile. I knew they'd be shocked to see me; it has been years since I've been in contact with them. 

"Well, it has been 15 years since we last heard from you, so you can't really blame us for being so surprised" Hiromi replied. I sheepishly smiled.

"Fair enough" I took a seat on the other side of Satoru's bed, near the window. I took the chance to look at them. Satoru doesn't look that different, even if he has grown. He looked thin and weak, but he has been in a coma all this time. 

Hiromi doesn't look like he could pass as a girl anymore. His hair was shorter, but he still had the same kind eyes as he did when we were kids. The same long eyelashes too.

Lastly, Kenya. His eyes had seemed to become sharper, but they still held that glint of intelligence he had for the time I knew him. His face was more angular too. Out of all of them, Kenya stared at me with the most intensity. Almost like he had seen a ghost, though in a way, I guess he has. I had dropped off the face of the planet in their perspective. 

"Kenya, close your mouth, otherwise you'll catch flies" I told him. His stance had immediately become rigid as he became flustered. 

"Umm, am I missing something here?" Satoru asked. Right, to him, it must feel like just yesterday he had seen me. He didn't experience what the other two might have.

"Basically, Kiyoko and her dad moved the night you went into a coma. It was really sudden. This is the first time Kenya and I have seen or talked to her in years" Hiromi explained while Kenya still stared at me. It started to weird me out a little bit. Satoru looked at me, shocked at this information.

"Why did you move?" he asked. I knew this question would come. 

"Well, my dad got a job offer in a different city. He said we had to leave that night and be there tomorrow if he wanted it. I've always felt horrible for leaving, since I never got to say goodbye to any of you. I felt worse when I found out about Satoru" I said, looking down ashamedly, not wanting to see their reactions. It was silent for a couple of minutes.

"Well, it's not like you had a choice. He's your dad so you had to go with him" Hiromi said. Heh, same old Hiromi. Sweet to you no matter what.

"It's not like I have a grudge. I've been asleep this whole time" Satoru said. He had a point. We all turned to Kenya, who hasn't said a word.

"Kenya?" Hiromi asked, encouraging him to say something. All he did was stand up and walk out the door.

"I-I need a minute" with that, he left. The room was left in a stunned silence. Hiromi gave me an apologetic smile.

"You'll have to forgive him. He took it the hardest when you suddenly left. He was depressed for months" I hadn't realized I made such an impact. I stood up, excusing myself, and went to go find Kenya. I looked down the halls to see him at a coffee vending machine at the end of the hallway. I cautiously approached him. 

"I guess you're really pissed at me, huh?" I asked. He just looked at me before sighing.

"No, I'm not pissed at you. It's just-" he cut himself off. He leaned his head on the machine.

"Just what?" I asked, urging him to continue. He glanced at me again.

"It's hard to explain. I mean, yeah at first, I was angry. Not at you though, just- angry. First with Satoru's accident then finding out that you had basically dropped off the face of the Earth, it was a lot. I've spent all this time, wondering if you were okay, if you were happy. So, seeing you after all these years, it just really sent me on an emotional roller coaster" I stared at him, processing his words. All these years, I thought he may have forgotten about me, but he's been just as curious about me as I was about him. I hadn't even realized I had started to cry until he brushed a tear off my face. I quickly hugged him. He hugged back tightly, like I if were to disappear again if he let go. 

I've always felt so empty after leaving and now I feel whole again. I guess I had missed Kenya more than I thought. I kind of just want to stay here like this with him...


"Um, can you two move so I can get some coffee?"

A/N: I don't know why I put that last line at the end, I just wanted something comedic in this chapter. Anyway, you're welcome for the cheesy mush in this chapter. I think my parents' Hallmark movies have rubbed off on me too much. I'll see you all next chapter! Tata dearies~!


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