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Hello dearies~

I know I said I'd update this week but I was busy doing last minute stuff for school and then got distracted building stuff on a modded server with my friend for the past couple days (We're currently taking a break tho cuz a disaster happened that made us lose a LOT of progress)

I was planning on updating this weekend but a HUGE heatwave has hit my area and will stay for a few days. Currently it is 96* Fahrenheit (or 35 Celsius for people who don't live in America or use it). It's supposed to get to possibly 100 and something on Monday. So unless my brain is NOT fried by this heat, expect an update on either Tuesday or Wednesday depending on how this heatwave pans out.

Don't worry, I'm not planning on going outside and am drinking plenty of water. Pray that I don't melt. See ya later.


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