Private chat

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Dragontrainer101 has made a private chat

Dragontrainer101 has invited axegirl to the private chat

Dragontrainer101: Astrid


Dragontrainer101 Remember when you thanked me for giving you your name back?

Ace girl  oh gods oh no  y yes?

Dragontrainer101 Well um about that I I like you

Axegirl um me too

Dragontrainer101 *walks to astrids hut

Dragontrainer101 here is something for you

Dragontrainer101 * kisses Astrid in her hut*

Axegirl *kisses hiccup in her hut* 

Axegirl thanks .

Berserkaxelady has turned off silent mode 

Berserkaxelady eeeeeee! hehe

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