💥30💥 (some. Toothcup included)

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Hiccup drunk.. 

Dragontrainer101: slirredieeeee! Hiiiiiiya Astridd

Axegirl: snotlout look what you did!

Dragontrainer101: heya asty I have a  secret for ya...... I love Astrid and I have since I was 6 

Axegorl: ohh I see.. well I will keep your secret

Dragontrainer101: rainbowsss and flowers everywhere! Weeeee!

Axegirl: yes hiccup  *gags* flower and  pretty rainbows *gag* everywhere * gags once more* now how about you meet at your hut?

Dragontrainer101: nahhhh I rather fly on the rainbows with toothy!

Dragontrainer101: come on tooth I have your saddle ready!

Axegirl: hiccup you can't fly while your dunk! *takes saddle

Dragontrainer101: aww darn it mean astrid.........I'm taking my flight suit to the rainbows

Axegirl: *grumbles*

1#hiccuplicker: what the?!

Chickendude and KABOOM: woah what happened to hiccup( note the line from riders of berk)

Iamamuttonhead: Who cares!

Meatluglover10:  ohhhhh dear

Dragontrainer101:  toothlisssssy come here !

1#hiccuplicker: no way.............ok I can't say no because I decided too keep you.

Everyone else: awwwwww

*at hiccups hut*

Dragontainer101:  hey buddddd! Let's go fly on the rainbowsszzz!

1#hiccuplicker: um maybe not but you can stay with me

Dragontrainer101: awww fine

*hiccup curlS up next to toothless's slab*

Dragontrainer101: I'm definitely not *yawn* tiered at wallll ( don't correct me at all there I want to do that so hiccup was slurring a bit and sounding  tired)right toothhhhless?

1#hiccuplicker: yeah definitely not.

* hiccup gets up and sits at his desk so tooothless believes that he's not tired*

Dragontrainer101: see? Not tired at allllll *Yawn* I- *yawn* cannot be sleeepy at al-

*hiccup falls alseep on his desk*.

1#hiccuplicker: *gently picks hiccup up and puts a pillow and a blanket for hiccup on his stone slab and wraps his tail around him* 

*toothless and hiccup both fall asleep together.

Everyone has turned off spy mode

Everyone: awwwww! 

Berserkcheif: awww- don't say anything on my opinion.

Chief1000: oh hiccup such a soft boy

Gobblerleg: I wonder where ye got mead

Axegirl: snotlout

Everyone except snotface: ahhaahahahahahhh

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