Vigo, krogan and riker

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Chickendude: hello humans on dragons edge!

Drgontrainer101:  Guys that is just weird.


Everyone: VIGO!???!!!?!

DRAGONTRAINER101: how did you get these!?

 Vigo: I borrowed them and my friends

Krogan : interesting device you have here.

Riker: I agree

Iamamuttonhead: *faints*

Chicken dude has changed  vigo to badguy2 .krogan to badguy1  and rocker to evilguy3

Badguys: we are not bad just bBusiness men

Everyone on the edge: bad and evil business men.

Dragontrainee101: may I add trapping dragons?

Axegail: yes


Everyone on the edge: yep

Badguys we are out

Everyone bye 🎶😁👋🐡

Bad guys: what is with the pufferfish?

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