Music & Spontaneous Adventures

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I was in the studio the next morning. 

My team was shocked to hear my call. It was hard to come up with an excuse for my absence. I blamed it on lack of inspiration. Which, in a way, was true. They understood. Everyone with a passion, no matter what is, always goes through a stage where they are stuck and empty. I've had plenty of those. This time was just longer.

Wes worked with me on my song after we both got back from the studio. "Let's do this, take the recorded version you took in the studio and let's pop in in the car and listen to it over and over while we drive." We jumped off the floor and got in his car parked outside my apartment. "Any specific destination?"

I reached for his hand and shrugged. "As long as you are next to me, I'll go on any adventure." He kissed me and put the recording in the stereo. We listened to the small piece of the song five times over and I had a mental list of changes written in my mind. Wes agreed with nearly all of them and finally I felt inspiration to work all day and all night to finish my album. 

"Okay! I'm good! We are done!" I disconnected the recording and put the radio on quietly.

"I'm glad, love. You look happy." He said with a cute smile.

"I am. I really am," I took in the sunset and continued. "What do you do now? Like after you drive around, what do you do?"

"Normally I just go home." Wes shrugged but I could see his smirk coming on.

"...But what now?" I questioned and gave him a look as if to say 'i know you are thinking of something'.

"Well, I was just thinking, what if we went on more of a spontaneous adventure." 

"...Like what?" I realized our relationship is pretty chill and we just hang out. I was honestly quiet scared of what his idea of a "spontaneous adventure" was.

"Maybe...." Wes took what seemed like the longest pause.

"What!" I was laughing and being impatient.

"I was thinking....." He was now doing this on purpose. I gave a puppy dog face and punched him in the arm. I looked out the window and refused to look at him.

"Paris," He whispered. My neck snapped around and stared at him. 

"WHAT?" I half yelled in the car and he acted like he didn't know what was going on. He was nervous.

"I didn't say anything!" He quickly replied.

"Liar!" I laughed and made fun of him. "I heard you!" He stayed quiet and just laughed. "Are you serious?" 

"Well, yeah. We didn't go to Paris for tour and I've been wanting to go. Why not go with my girlfriend?" 

"You are insane!" I laughed and couldn't process this.

"Baby, we're here! Why not!" I looked out the window and the freeway exit to the airport was in two exits.

"We don't have money or passports or clothes!" 

"Baby, we are both wearing clothes! You grabbed your purse! You have a wallet with cash and a credit card. You always carry around makeup in there. You have your phone. I have my phone and my wallet and I keep my passport in my car at all times," He paused. "That's probably a terrible idea but, hey, it just came in handy. Come on!"

"Um hello! Big passport is in my room thirty minutes behind us!" We were yelling but we weren't mad. We were excited and confused and happy and scared all at the same time.

Wes reached in his back pocket and threw something at me. "I guess we should both keep those locked up." I reached down and picked it up. My passport.

"Wesley!! How did you get this?" I yelled and laughed as he turned off of the freeway and we were staring at the airport entrance. 

"When I was staying with you one morning I was looking for a phone charger and I opened a drawer in the kitchen and it was in there. When we were leaving to get in the car this afternoon, I wanted an adventure and I thought maybe this would come in handy so I grabbed it!" I rewound and now remember. I walked out the door and down the hall and when I turned around Wes wasn't behind me. When I turned back towards the room he ran out and locked it. That must have been when he grabbed it.

"Wesley..." I was scared to say the least.

"I'm sorry. Maybe it was a dumb idea. If you are uncomfortable, let's go home." Wes made his way across the road to the lane to make a left, the only lane that doesn't go to the airport. I stopped him just before he reached the far lane.

"What the hell? Screw it. Stay in this lane." I said with my eyes closed. My voice was a little high pitched.

"What?" He did what he was told but still questioned me.

"I live in this small little box and run away when there is any mention of change. Not today. Let's go to Paris." 

We looked at each other and saw each others mixed emotions. The green light has never come slower. When it finally came I screeched a bit and Wesley said, "Ya, baby!" And held tight to my hand.

We parked and walked into the airport. Business men with large suitcases passed by staring at us as we also passed them with full pockets and a purse.

"How can I help you today?" The airline employee asked me. She was an older lady with grey hair and blue eyes. Her name was Mary and, unlike the other 30-40 year old's who look miserable, she looked really happy to be at work.

"When's the next flight to Paris?" Wes asked her.

"In...twenty-two minutes." She said while looking at her computer.

"Do you think we can make it?" He asked nervously.

"The flights open. Let's check your bags and you can run to the plane." The airline employee said jokingly.

"We don't have bags so that won't be a problem." Wes spoke and got our credit cards out of his pocket. The airline lady laughed and stared at us.

"Oh yes, we get a lot of you." She had a smile on her face as she typed letters and numbers on the screen in front of us trying to help us buy our tickets.

"Like what?" Wes asked with curiosity.

"Adventurers in love." She simply stated and finished checking us out and pointing in the direction of security.

We thanked her and ran away. We sped through security and laughed as we ran through the airport. We almost ran over a few people. We arrived at the gate in time to see the last person walking on the plane. 

"Just in time! Have fun!" The man said and led us towards the gate door which he closed behind us. Wesley and I reached the plane door and took our seats. 

"Holy shit." I spoke under my breath which made Wes laugh. I couldn't breathe from all the running and Wes was also out of breath. 

"Are we really doing this?" He spoke in shock.

"Yes." We looked at each other and smiled. "I love you." I said and kissed him.

"I love you too."


thats my goal, to go on a spontaneous trip like that, can't wait to write about their experiences.please vote/comment/share/follow and check out other stories of mine :)))))) love you!

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