Night Alone & Day Off

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I noticed the airport was very empty as I sat in the cafe area in front of security. It is 9:40 and their plane lands in ten minutes. I've talked to Wes a lot since they've been in Europe and yet I still feel like I haven't seen him in years. 

The minutes passed as I scrolled through Instagram and Twitter. Wes texted me at 9:50.

"Just landed <3" I smiled so big and replied.

"Get your butt out here so I can kiss you!" 

"Move people! Move!" He replied and I laughed. I put my phone in my back pocket and stared at the terminal exit. It felt like the longer I stared the longer it was taking for them to get here.

My phone buzzed one more time and I looked to see Wes had texted me saying he was coming out. I smiled bigger than I have in three months.

His long brown hair and backwards snap-back made my insides turn. His eyes shining in the light made my heart explode. He looked for me and found me in the corner seat, waiting. He broke out into a run and I met him halfway. I jumped into his arms like a sappy romance movie and I didn't even care. 

"Baby." He said. One word. The only thing it took for me to cry. I've needed those arms to shelter me for two months. I didn't realize how alone I've felt until now. I had tears streaming down my face and for, what felt like hours, we stood hugging in the middle of the airport. "How about that kiss?" He joked and I laughed. 

"Stupid." I spoke and kissed him. We stood for another while kissing.

"Let's keep this PG, shall we?" Keaton interrupted. 

"Keats!" I let go of Wes and ran to hug Keaton. He laughed and hugged me. I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Now, now. Don't make me beat up my own brother for stealing my girl!" Wes came over to us and put his arm around me. 

We progressively made our way to the car and drove to Wes and Keaton's house. They got out when we arrived and grabbed their bags. Wes looked sad as he pulled his suitcase half way out of the trunk. Seconds later, he put the suitcase back in and let Keaton walk to the door. "I'll come back tomorrow." Wes yelled to Keaton as if to say 'really bro?'

Wes put his hand around me again and winked at Keaton. "Sorry bro. Invite some people over or something." Wes suggested.

"Your crazy! I'm going to bed!" Keaton yelled back to Wes. I laughed.

"I don't even know if he knew we were in London for three months. He slept the whole damn time." Wes murmured to me and I giggled.

Keaton continued into the house and closed the door behind him. Wes led me back to the car. We cuddled the whole way back to my apartment and he didn't even let go of me when we walked up an into my apartment. He set his bag down at the door and I led him to my room where we continued cuddling and talking.

"I don't know how I lived three months without seeing your beautiful face and being able to hug and kiss you whenever I want." Wes said and finished that sentence off with a kiss which made me giggle. 

"I can't wait to here about everything that happened in London and new music and everything." I replied.

"Tomorrow. I can show you tons of pictures and play music for you. Tonight, I just want to be here, with you." He said and it made me blush.

We sunk underneath the sheet covers and I fell asleep in Wesley's arms and for the first time in months, I felt peaceful.

Wesley's lips kissed my cheek woke me the next morning. "Morning sunshine!" He said excitedly.

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