Brothers & Video Games

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"They call her love, love, love ,love, love. She is love, and she is all I need." I heard Wes singing as I stepped inside their hotel room. Keaton slightly greeted me but returned to playing Fifa seconds later. I proceeded to the other end of the room where Wes was laying down with his headphones in. His eyes were closed so I slid in the empty spot Wesley had left between him and the edge of the bed. 

 Wes finished humming "She is Love" and kissed me on the cheek.

"Hi sweetie." I felt my cheeks go a deeper red. I couldn't help but blush when I hear Wes say things like that to me. How did I get lucky enough to have a guy like Wes?

"What do you want to do on our day off?" I asked him in a whisper. 

Wes let out a groan. "Lay here. With you." He pulled me closer. "I don't want to see anyone but you today."

"Oh come on! Let's go get something to eat!" 

I felt him shift before he complained. "But that's all we ever do! We either go out to eat or sit in the dressing rooms!"

"Fine" I said after leaning up so I could talk and look at him "If you want to be lazy all day, go ahead. I guess you maybe, kind of deserve a day off..." He smirked as if to say 'ya-I-think-I-do-because-I-never-get-a-break' which made me laugh. "I want food so I will go out and get food for you and I and we can eat here." He liked that idea and rolled over on his other side to fall asleep. 

I got off Wesley's bed to see that Keaton had transitioned from playing video games to laying upside down with his feet rested upon the wall. "Keaton...what are you doing?" Wes turned to see Keaton's position and laughed. 

"I'm bored! I only ever see radio stations, hotel rooms, tour buses, and arenas. I'm running out of things to do!" Valid point. 

"If you are so bored, why don't you go out and explore?" I asked him.

"With who?! It's not like you have a sister touring with you that I could hang out with!" I realized then that Wesley and I are together a lot more often then I thought. Keaton really doesn't have anyone to be with. I felt bad.

"Wesley, I'm going on a date with your brother!" I chuckled and helped Keaton back to a normal position.

"Excuse me?" Wesley asked in a tired tone.

"We are going on an adventure because you are too lazy! I will have your food back in a few hours, princess." I laughed and grabbed Keaton's hand to escort him out the door. Once in the hallway, we began to talk. 

"So Keaton, what do you like to do?"

"Music, I guess." Great, am I going to be stuck with a person who gives me one-word, boring answers to every question? 

"More. If we are going on an adventure, I refuse to be with someone boring." He laughed and I got him to continue.

"Alright, alright. Um, when I'm at home Wes and I like to surf and skate. I like to go on hikes. I hang out with my friend Tyler a lot and we just screw around. I'm pretty boring during tour though. We don't have any 'extra' time to do anything fun so I just go on my computer. What about you?"

"Good, good! I like those answers!" He laughed again as we got out of the elevator into the lobby. I took a deep breath before trying to answer. "Gosh, what do I do? I like to paint and draw. I like to go to concerts of any artist. I work on music a lot too. I love to read. If you see me on my phone I'm either replying to fans or reading a book. I just like adventures and spontaneous activities." I finally finished. We had walked out of the hotel and were just walked along the streets.

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