Chapter 16: Stalked

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A/N I know that it is taking longer for me to update, and it stinks, but I've been busy, and I am going to be getting  busier. So updates will be slower in coming but I am writing and updates will come eventually. Hope you are enjoying and as always if you like it VOTE! And If you don't like it send me a suggestion of how to make it better. I would really appreciate it. Thanks Guys!!!!!


            Jack Bates stood looking over her profile of the Triangle Killer once again. She, Emma, Morgan, and Christian had been working on the case for a little over a week.  Agent Rollins and she fought almost every day, it was never about the exact same thing, but it was always about the case. That man infuriated her. She always had that strange feeling that if she and Rollins had worked out in high school that they would have ended up hating each other.  She glanced around quickly thinking someone was behind her, no one again. She had the strangest feeling of being watched the last few days, and that bothered her. Her father always taught her that certain instincts never lied, and one of them was the feeling of being watched (most of the time).

She turned around again as she heard the door slam, and Agent Rollins walked in, “Oh great, you’re here.” He said rolling his eyes in annoyance. “Of course I’m here Rollins; I’ve barely left the premises in the past week.” She spat, never one to lose an argument without at least putting up a fight. “I was down in the forensic tech lab and Emma asked me to bring these up to you.” He said holding out a folder, she took it and sat down in one of the mainly chairs around the giant conference table covered in more folders. “What is it?” he asked sitting down across from her. “Its blood work on the last vic.” She said thoroughly absorbed in the information inside the folder.  “Oh okay” said Rollins picking up a folder and pretended to be thoroughly absorbed in its contents. Jack stole glances at him over the top of her folder; she could tell he was just pretending to read that file. The thought made her smile a little.

At that moment, Logan Reed walked in the door, “Hey guy’s wassu- wow awkward moment in here I see.” He said taking a seat. “What’s going on with you two this time? Can’t agree on dark or light roast coffee?” “Very funny, but no, we weren’t disagreeing on anything actually.” Said Jack without looking up.  “Well that’s a new one.” Said Logan with a smile, “You look tired Jack, you should go home and get some rest.” Said Logan smiling at Jack. “I can’t there’s work here to do.” “Not true, you’ve been doing the exact same thing for a week. You haven’t gotten anywhere; it’s time to get some rest.” “He’s right you know, no use killing yourself, what use will you be to us then?” Said Josh nodding his head in agreement. “Fine I’ll go home and get a couple hours of sleep, but I’m only doing this because you practically ordered me to.” Said Jack as she stood up and grabbed her stuff, “By the way, the vic had morphine in her blood just like the others.” She said as she walked out the door.

She left the conference room and went down the stairs to the lab where Emma worked and walked in. She surveyed the large lab and found Emma looking into a microscope on the other side of the lab; she walked over and tapped on her shoulder. “Hey babe was sup?” “Hey girl didn’t expect to see you down here today.” Emma said looking up from the microscope. “Yea the guys ordered me home to get some rest and I thought I’d stop by on my way home and say hey.” Said Jack taking a seat in one of the office chairs under the desk. “Well it’s nice to see you; it’s been awhile with us all working the case and all.” “Yea I know I’ve missed you.” Said Jack with a weak smile, “So any new leads?” “Nope” said Emma with a frown, “How about you?” “Nope nothing, were officially dead in the water up there, as much as I hate to say it.” “I know, well I need to get back to work and you need to get some sleep, so homeward bound you should be.” Said Emma with a smile, “Yep, nice talkin to ya Em.” Said Jack as she stood up and left the lab.

       She took the elevator to the ground floor, checked out with the night watchman and left the building. She walked out to her car and got in. The truth was she really was very tired, she had not had time to sleep and when she did, she could not get to sleep. In the past week and a half, she had gotten a grand total of about 45 hours of sleep. In addition, it was not a restful sleep at that; she had dreams about the profile she stared at all day long, and about the killer. It was not much fun to dream about that stuff. She sighed as she continued her drive home in silence.

    When she arrived home she saw that James’ car was still missing from the driveway, and when she got inside there was a message on the machine from him saying he wouldn’t be back for about another week. “That’s nice” Jack muttered to herself as she dragged herself to her room and stripped down to her underwear. She went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth and came back and lied down.

She slept fitfully for about two and a half hours. Then she was done trying so she got up took a shower and decided that she was going to talk to the guy that was the last person to talk with Alexa Miller.  So she put on her shoes and grabbed her stuff, it was just after seven in the morning when she left her house and started off in the direction of the guys house.  She remembered from the file that he was a 39 year old businessman who’s wife had left him for another man last year, he was fairly successful and good looking he had a lot going for him. Jack wondered what had possessed the woman to leave him. She also remembered his address in the file and was almost there. She drove along the rest of the way thinking about the case, the man who last talked to Alexa doesn’t fit the profile, and he alibied out. But he still may have seen something on his way out of the bar, something unusual or out of place. She was hoping that he had, anything even something small and seemingly insignificant could break the case wide open. And that was what they needed more than anything right now, an break in the case.

        The killer watched as Jack Bates left her house that morning a little after seven a.m. He had followed her home last night and had watched her from his well concealed car. He knew his time was coming, he should have done it last night, he almost did, but he lost his nerve at the last second. He had hated himself for that, last night was perfect, no one but her was at her house, that stupid roommate was out of town and all of her friends were back at the FBI building hunting him. “Damn” he muttered under his breath, this whole thing was making him nervous, she was so close to the FBI, when he took her it would have to be perfect, and DNA and trace evidence that he could leave behind they would find and he would be caught.  He would have to be oh so careful when he did this, he wouldn’t be able to handle it if he finally got his love back in his life then got caught and taken away because of a silly mistake. It wouldn’t happen it couldn’t happen. He was sure of that.

     A/N So that is chapter 16! Hope you all enjoyed. I am trying to add some length to the story but also keep it interesting! Hope I'm doing a good job, I want to put something important in each chapter, whicj is why the killer is put in. I would like to keep him more mysterious, but you all don't know who it is yet right? Anyway hope you enjoyed! Next update soon I think, I hope anyways!


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