Chapter 19: Where's Jack?

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A/N Okay so as we know from the last chapter Jack was kidnapped! In this chapter we are going to get more into this new development and start the process of looking for her. I don't know about you but I'm a little worried for Jack right now, she was just kidnapped! She has at the most 48 hours to live right?! Hahaha okay I'll stop talking now. Enjoy!!!


Emma woke up from where she had fallen asleep on the couch in the break room, as she tried to move she realized that Chris was sleeping on top of her. As she gently pushed him off of her, careful not to disturb him she saw that Morgan and Dr. Gatsby had fallen asleep on the couch opposite them. And Rollins and Reed where asleep in two chairs. “Where’s Jack?” She muttered to herself as she stood and spun around when she heard Rollins speak. “Reed sent her home early last night, she looked exhausted.” “Oh that’s right. Now I remember, thank you Agent Rollins.” “No problem.” He said as he stood and stretched nudging Reed with his foot trying to get him to wake up. “Reed come on man it’s time to get up.” Reed moaned and adjusted himself in his chair, “Leave me alone Rollins.” “Sorry you know I can’t do that man. Come on get up.” “Fine” Reed opened his eyes halfway and slowly stood up.

      “Not a morning person eh Reed?” Said Chris as he woke up, “No I’m not” Reed mumbled. Chris laughed “Just like Emma.” “Shut up Chris it’s too early.” Emma mumbled. Chris walked over and shook Morgan and Ben awake. “Hey you two lovebirds wakey wakey.” “Chris go away, only you and Jack are morning people.” Morgan mumbled. “Oh no that’s where you’re wrong, Rollins is a morning person too!” Chris said feeling very chipper. “Come on Morgan time to get up like everyone else.” Gatsby said as he opened his eyes and stood up. He stretched and then grabbed Morgan’s hands pulling her to her feet. “Fine but I’m not happy about it.” Morgan said as she made her way to the bathroom. Emma soon followed after Morgan still looking very grumpy. “Somebody needs to call Jack and get her in here.” Rollins said as Gatsby then wandered off in the same direction as Emma and Morgan. ‘I’ll call her.” Reed said as he followed after Gatsby. “Well guess it’s just you and me eh Rollins?” “Chris asked, Rollins sent him a glare. “Whatever Richardson.” He said as he left the room heading off towards the elevators. Leaving Chris all alone and not so happy anymore.

      Ten minutes later everyone except for Reed was in the cafeteria eating breakfast and finally feeling awake enough to make un-hostile conversation, everyone except Rollins that is. Emma was just taking a sip of her orange juice when Reed burst into the room. “We have to get over to Bates’ house right now!” He exclaimed breathing heavily. “Why man what’s the matter?” Rollins asked turning from his oatmeal to look at his partner. “I tried her cell phone and there was no answer, so then I tried the landline and its disconnected.” “So maybe the phone is off the hook?” “No it says disconnected, as in not busy, just un-operational.” “Maybe there was a power outage?” Morgan piped up “No! There was no bad weather last night at all.” “I’m with Reed.” Said Emma standing up, “I think we need to get over there.” “Fine we’ll go over and check it out.” Rollins mumbled as he stood up looking very annoyed and left the room with Reed. Emma , Morgan and Chris on his heels.

      The ride over to Jack’s house was the longest twenty minutes of Logan’s life. He knew that when Jack didn’t answer either phone that something was wrong, he just had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He kept praying the whole way over that he would walk into the house and Jack would be there to hit him over the head with a vase again. Anything to know she was safe. He glanced in the backseat at Emma’s worried face, he knew she had the same feeling he did, the others lacked the same look of concern. But he knew that secretly they were a little worried, especially since Morgan had tried all of Jack’s numbers multiple times and every time she received no answer. “Wait a second, what about that other guy? Bates’ roommate?” Rollins asked curious. “Who James? He’s been out of town for almost two weeks.” Emma replied starting to bite her fingernails. “Please tell me were almost there.” She said as Rollins pulled into Jack’s driveway and Reed was the first to jump out. Her car was still in the driveway and as he ran to the door, the bad feeling got so bad that he felt like he was going to throw up. He reached the door and grabbed the knob and turned, the door was unlocked , he felt Rollins right behind him as he pushed the door open and stepped inside as he heard a gasp.

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