Chapter 21: The Search Begins Part 2

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      Hey my fellow wattpadians! So here is chapter 21! Hope you all enjoy it! And please make sure you check out the side story to this story Long Shot by LuckilyJinxed she is one of my best friends and her story is awesome! Thanks Guys! I love you all to bits! In a great fellow writer and reader kinda way!


     Twenty minutes later they pulled up in front of the FBI headquarters and jumped out of the car. As they hurried into the building Rollins hollered for them to come with them not go to their respective labs like they were going to do. They entered the elevator and Rollins pushed a button sending them flying upwards and finally stopping at one of the top floors. They exited the elevator and Emma and Morgan realized immediately why Rollins wanted them to follow. It was an active task force with people that Emma hadn’t seen around before, apparently when the killer took someone when he wasn’t supposed to it sparked an uproar in the FBI. Emma and Morgan followed Rollins and Reed closely in the hopes that they wouldn’t get lost in the crowd. Rollins took the lead in front of all of them as he stalked over to an office door and knocked loudly. There was a sharp “Come in” and Rollins opened the door motioning for us to follow. There was a large office behind the door and inside it was quieter than in the main room, but there was still plenty of movement and work going on in here as well. “Rollins Reed, good to see your finally back, how did the crime scene look?” A fit middle aged man sitting behind a desk asked as Rollins and Reed stood at attention in front of his desk.

   “Well sir it doesn’t look like we’re going to get much evidence again I’m afraid.” Rollins said looking incredibly somber at the mention of this. “That’s definitely a disappointment. What do we know about the girl who was taken?” This time Reed cut Rollins off before he had a chance to speak, for this he received a death glare from Rollins. “Quite a bit actually sir, since Miss Bates was one of our own, we have quite a bit of information on her.” “That’s excellent, let’s start running down the people she was closest to and who she had contact with her lately.” The man behind the desk said again as he stood and walked over to Emma and Morgan. “Hello there, I am director Tom Walker with the FBI I understand that you are interns here and are very close to Miss. Bates.” “That’s correct sir, were willing to do anything to get her back.” Morgan said as Emma nodded her head in agreement. “That’s good, we need all the help we can get on this. Anyway you are all dismissed get back to work and lets gets some suspects in here and interviews started.” The man said as Rollins and Reed left the room with Emma and Morgan on their heels.

    They went back to their conference room which was now crammed with people. “Alright!” Rollins yelled over the din of the crowd. “I need all of your attention please!” He waited till everyone had quieted and then he began. “As you all know, one of our own has been taken, the crime scene is being processed and we need to start calling in suspects. We believe her kidnapper to be The Triangle Killer, and knowing this we have at the most 36 hours to find her alive. We have lost to many girls, we have to find her alive, no questions asked, no failures this time. We need to call in all of the previous suspects and any of the people she has been in contact with that fit the profile of the killer. Understood?” Everyone in the room nodded their heads in agreement. “Great let’s get to work then.” Reed said as everyone went back to work and people got on the phone and guys left to go pick up suspects.

      Ten minutes later so many people had left to carry out tasks that the room was almost empty. Emma and Morgan sat studying the profile board as they did their best to help in any way they could. “What are you two looking at?” Rollins asked as he came into the room. “We thought you were prepping for interviews?” Emma said crossing her arms over her chest, she disliked Rollins as much as Jack disliked Chris, and for almost the exact same reasons. “I am I came to see if you two wanted to watch?” crossing his arms in the same way as Emma to annoy her. “Yes! We would love to watch!” Morgan answered for both of them as she grabbed Emma’s hand and led her still glaring friend out of the room.

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