Epilog: "Curtain call!"

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[5 years after "Frostraven incident"]

Red: *walks out and sits in front of students* ok class, today is your first-

Sandwing student: wait...*looking at Red* Are you our teacher?*amused* I thought you were a student, you're so short! *laughs along with a seawing and skywing student he's friends with*

Red: grr. *he pulls off his fake horn and hands it to a rainwing student before picking up an odd looking rolled up scroll* I'LL SHOW YOU SHORT, CHILD! *he holds up the thing he made high*

Sandwing student: *pushing his friends along* you nuts!? RUN!

Skywing student: *starting to fly* EVERY DRAGON FOR THEMSELVES!

Seawing student: I REGRET EVERYTHING!

Nightwing student: huh. How uncool of them.

Rainwing student: *looks at him* you thought he was short too Souleater.

Red: *in the distance* RAAAAAGH!

Souleater: dang it Shimmer! You ratted me out! *takes off*

Shimmer: *watches as Red chaises the others and her nightwing friend* ...*very amused* you're welcome!

Snowy: there goes uncle.

Kabuto: yeah...still don't know why dad's not over that yet...

[art class]

Winter: and that students, is the lesson....*looks to the students* any questions?

Auklet: *raises a talon*

Winter: yes Auklet?

Auklet: who's the little one?

Winter: hm? *looks down and sees a VERY tiny nightwing/icewing dragonet hugging his tail* hi Stardust.

*Stardust looks up at him and gives a happy squeak*

Winter: *picks Stardust up* This is one of my daughters. If you have ANY issues with her whatsoever, i can assure you that punishment will not be fun.

Cliff: right.

Bumblebee: don't know, i think she's cute!

Auklet: heh, yeah!

Peacemaker: ...so....can we make pies now?

Winter: that's Snake's extra curricular class you want.

Shine: cool!

Deku: you're a lot like dad sis.

Shine: *a little amused* oh don't even start brother!

Kobra(Snake's eldest son): you both are like your dad.

Boa(Snake's oldest daughter): oh like you're any different little brother?

Kobra: you and Camel both.

*the sandwing student runs by trying to hide*

Boa: and there goes Camel.

Kobra: yep...so you want to get Oasis and Starshine later?

Boa: sure.

[history class]

Zero: and that's all there is to know about the war...well...as far as i care anyway.

Webs: hm. You'll do fine as my replacement.

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