Day: 1

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Ellen's POV
Wow... Shonda really outdid herself this time... I step out of my car and head to the front door of the massif mansion Shonda rented for us. I'm met by familiar faces all around as the door opens and I look in the living room. I can see Jesse, T.R, Chandra, James, Camilla, Caterina, Giacomo, Chris, Kim, Kevin, Debbie, Kelly, Shonda, Krista, and of course my favorite face of all, Patrick.

"Patrick Galen Dempsey!" I yell with so much excitement that I drop my stuff down at the door and run into his arms, immediately taking in his perfect scent.

Patrick's POV
"Ellen Kathleen Pompeo..." my words trail off as the force of her tiny body jumping on me hits me. God she is just as perfect as I remember, but then again, how could I forget. And of course, I can't stop myself from taking in every bit of this moment, letting her intoxicating lavender conditioner fill my nose and making sure to note just how my perfectly her body melts in mine. "I can't believe it's really you!" I pull away from our hug to take in her beauty, god I've missed those gorgeous green eyes and that beautiful blonde hair.

"The one and only" if that isn't the most true statement I've heard in a while then I don't know what is, there surely is no one else like her...

"God I've missed you much!" I pull her back into my embrace and I can feel everyone's eyes on us but I honestly don't care right now, I have my Ellie back and I don't want to let her go yet.

Ellen's POV
His embrace is so warm and safe that I don't ever want to leave it but, I know it's probably about time when I start to feel the eyes of the rest of the cast on us and quiet whispers from a few of them. I pull away and I immediately miss his touch, thankfully it doesn't last long though as he puts hits hand on the small of my back and guides me to everyone else like always used to do.

I can see the smiles on everyone's faces after they just witnessed patty and I's 'moment'.... well almost everyone that is. Near the back of the group I can see Giacomo's scowling face as he turns his back and walks into the next room. He is a nice guy just, not really my type, but he still tries and I let him on some occasions but I'm sure to never let it get too far. I know it's probably mean but, it's fun to have a little flattery sometimes, am I right?

Patty and I go our separate ways after we reach the group and he goes and talks with Chandra and James while I walk over to T.R, Camilla, and Jesse.

"Hey Ellen!" They all say in unison. "Soo.. what was that!" Camilla asks me getting probably a bit too excited for her own good.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh you know what she's talking about," Jesse joins in Camilla's questioning, "what was that, with Patrick?!"

"Oh, that was just two best friends greeting each other after not seeing each other for 5 years..." I nervously say trying to defend myself, god was it that obvious?

"Oh please! I have seen you two together since the beginning, you two are not just friends!" T.R remarks.

"If you have seen us from the beginning then you would know, we are just friends!"

"Alright alright! No need to get all defensive on us now." Jesse says with a laugh and I just glare at him. We continue talking about work stuff and other random things till Shonda calls out "Hey! Everyone listen up please!" Everyone stops talking and we all turn to Shonda,

"Alright, so, I know we all have been here for a while and I still have not given the sleeping arrangements but, that's what I'm doing now ok! So, everyone gets their own room which I will have my assistant Anna here tell you specifically, however, Ellen, Patrick, we are short one room sooo... we have decided to give you two the master to share. Alright that's all, let's all have some fun and make the most out of this quarantine!!"

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