Day 3

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"Come on, let's go and join the others" I breathily say rubbing his cheek with my thumb. He nods and grabs ahold of my hand, interlocking our fingers, leading us into the field of questions by friends...

The rest of yesterday was spent cuddling on the couch with Patrick and playing board games with the rest of the crew. Of course, people had many questions but everyone seemed to be happy this happened. Apparently they had all been just observing for years and waiting for this to happen, like they new it would someday despite us being married all these years. I think it's bullshit but whatever, I don't want to believe that our friends would think we would cheat or leave our spouses but it's also kind of sweet to know in a weird, weird way.

It was now 2 in the afternoon and I was making a pasta lunch for everyone. It's great to have my Italian roots for times like these. I loved to make authentic family recipes and Patrick had always loved them. I used to make him diner sometimes after a long day of filming or when we hung out at each other's houses (of course when our spouses weren't there though because they would never let that slide). I served up everyone's plates and we all ate in different places in the house. Patrick kept rubbing my leg and I had to keep picking his hand up and moving it away since we were in front of others and despite them seeing the kiss, I wasn't sure if I wanted anything more to happen. Of course he never listens. He is like a horny teenager I swear. We all finished eating and the few people who were eating with us went and did the dishes and cleaned while Patrick and I were talking about what we wanted to do.

"Do you want to go in the hot tub?" He asked with a smirk. I bet he was asking just so he could see me in a swimsuit again but we all know what happened last time.

"Maybe later, I don't want to send you into shock again so early" I said as I gave him a wink and giggled.

"Oh but I like this shock, the more shock the better I say" he laughed and picked me up by my waist and placed me on his lap. I looked down in his eyes and I could see the gears turning in his head, his dirty, sexy gears.... that's sounds weird but what I'm trying to say is, he's up to something and I think I know just what that something is.

"You know we could go up to our room and just lay in bed all day" He says quietly with a mischievous smirk.

"Mmm, you know, maybe that doesn't sound too bad after all" I reply giving him a kiss on the lips. He kisses back and its quickly deepening by our tongues guiding into each other's mouths. He taste so sweet and I don't know how I had been pushing him away for so long. I think I'm ready for more, no, I need more! His kisses trail down to my neck and he reaches all of my favorite spots instantly despite never really kissing me, I guess he learned a lot more playing Derek than I thought. I let soft moans out of my mouth and I bite my lip to suppress them. After all, people are in the other room. He then stops kissing me and pulls back, looking at me.

"Hey! Why'd you stop?!" I say to him angrily because he felt so good on my neck but he just laughed. "Why is this so funny to you!"

"You're re so beautiful" he whispers then kisses me again, quickly. He then lifts me off of his lap and stands up, walking away.

"Where do you think you are going mister, we were just getting started!" I get up walking towards him.

"I'm going to take a shower"

"Are you serious? Right now..... Ohh ok, I will just join you then" I grab onto his arm and walk with him.

"As much as I would love for you to join me, I'm going alone" he replies.

"Wait what? So... no sex?" I mumble sadly.

"Nope, no sex. Just think el, this would be our first time, don't you want it to be special?" He teased with a wink.

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