ch15 prt2: the concert

446 15 2


We're e in the front row of the 5 seconds of summer reunion concert in London. I can tell the boys recognize me but I'll find out backstage. They are still amazing! Liam gives me a 'I got backstage passes' look. I smile and kiss him when I saw a camera flash and we left the concert and went backstage. "Grace!!!!! Aspin!!! Angie!! Opie!!!" I say squealing. They run up to me and I get squished. "Jessi you need to stop growing!" Aspin says in her British accent. "Can't help it!!!" "Maybe you can over this weekend!" Grace squealed at the top of her lungs and so did the other girls. "I'll ask my dads OK then I'll tell them to text Luke." "Sounds good!" That's when the boys appeared. "Oh my gosh! Is it that Jessi?!" "Yes you idiots!" I say sarcastically. We talk more and then we leave and liam takes me home. I went to bed to exhausted I just wanted to sleep.

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